No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 12
- URL:
On Stability of Sattellite's Elliptical Orbit Motion for Cylindrical Precession of Lunar Type Resonance
Stability of satellites elliptical orbit motion in the case of the cylindrical precession at
Lunar type resonance is under investigation. Stability regions at first approximation have
been obtained in the space of parameters of the problem (inertial parameter and eccentricity).
Nonlinear analysis is carried out in these regions. Analytical and numerical methods are used.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):5-13
Complete Foliations with Transverse Rigid Geometries and Their Basic Automorphisms
The notion of rigid geometry is introduced. Rigid geometries include Cartan geometries as
well as rigid geometric structures in the sense of Gromov. Foliations with transverse
rigid geometries are investigated. An invariant g0 of a foliation with transverse rigid
geometry, being a Lie algebra, is introduced. We prove that if, for some foliation with
transverse rigid geometry, g0 is zero, then there exists a unique Lie group structure on its full
basic automorphism group. Some estimates of the dimensions of this group depending on the
transverse geometry are obtained. Examples, illustrating the main results, are constructed.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):14-35
Mathematical Model of Standard GSM System Supporting Full and Half-Rate Speech Codecs
Usage of dual (Full/Half) rate mode in standard GSM system gives the possibility to
increase considerably the performance of radio resources in the cell. In this work we develop
a mathematical model of a system with repacking, supporting Full-Rate (FR) and Half-Rate
(HR) modes. We define a threshold for the number of FR-calls served simultaneously. The
balance equations and formulas for QoS parameters are derived. The advantages of dual rate
mode usage are shown through numerical examples.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):36-42
M|G|1 Queues with Batch Service and its Application to the Stream Control Transmission Protocol Performance Analysis. Part II
In this paper we introduce an analytical model of the stream control transmission protocol - a queuing system with batch service and job bundling timeout. The applicability of the analytical models in which jobs are served in batches of fixed and variable size [1] is assessed based on numerical results. An algorithm for the calculation of key performance measures is obtained. We also consider the process of signaling messages transmission over IP-network and analyze protocol parameters to provide quality of service in mobile networks.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):43-53
Algorithm of Numerical Solving the Parametric Sturm-Liouville Problem and Calculation of Solution Derivatives with Respect to the Parameter via the Finite-Element Method
The economical algorithm is presented for numerical solving with the given accuracy of the parametrical Sturm-Liouville problem with the third type boundary conditions on the finite interval by the finite-element method with automatical shift of the spectrum. The algorithm includes the calculation with given accuracy a set ∼ 10-50 of the eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and their first derivatives with respect to the parameter, and integrals - matrix elements between eigenfunctions and their derivatives with respect to the parameter. Efficiency of the algorithm is demonstrated by numerical analysis of the parametric integrable problem with the parametric third type boundary conditions.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):54-65
Modelling and Forecasting the Evolution of Forest Fire Using Vector Autoregression Processes
The joint sample of daily values of the number of forest fire seats and the complex meteorological
index in Irkutsk region, seasons 1969-1988, is investigated. It appears that the
evolution of forest fire is well described by a vector autoregression process based model. Computer
algorithm of simulation of the future numbers of fire seats is presented. It is shown how
the algorithm can be used for reliable forecasting of the evolution of forest fire up to 2 days
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):66-73
Programmed Motions Equations of Manipulation Systems
The method of constructing dynamics equations of manipulation systems in generalized coordinates
and canonical variables is suggested. Control actions are defined in consistence with
exponential stability of the dynamics equations integral manifold, which is described by constraints
equations. The solution of the problem of two-link plane manipulators programmed
motion is given.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):79-89
On Definition of Jacobian Elliptic Functions
Simple analytical approximations of Jacobian elliptic functions by the elementary functions
is suggested. The high degree accuracy of the approximation (<< 1%) permits to apply it to
various problems of mathematical physics, mechanics, etc.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):90-95
About Two Photon Decay of the Higgs Particle in the CMB Radiation
A set of arguments is given that testify to two photon decay of the Higgs particle in the
CMB radiation. These arguments are based on the analysis of the cosmological data in the
framework of the Dirac scale-invariant formulation of General Relativity with a scalar dilaton
that compensates scale transformation of all fields.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):96-99
Virtual p± ↔ K± Transitions (Oscillations) Generated by Weak Interactions which Violate Strangeness, and their Detection
При нарушении странности в слабых взаимодействиях должны возникать смешивания (переходы) между p±- и K±-мезонами. Так как массы этих адронов различаются, то такие смешивания (переходы) должны быть виртуальными. Подсчитывается недиагональный массовый член, ответственный за такое смешивание. Показано, что могут иметь место два типа переходов между этими мезонами: p±-мезон может переходить в K±-мезон с изменением массы и без изменения массы. Вычислены вероятности вакуумных виртуальных переходов (осцилляций) p± ↔ K± для двух случаев (в рамках модели динамической аналогии матриц Кабиббо-Кобаяши-Маскавы и с использованием фазового обьема), при этом учетены p±-мезонные распады. Произведена оценка экстремального расстояния R для наблюдения p± → K±-перехода. Изучена кинематика процесса рождения K±-мезона при его переходе на массовую поверхность для определения оптимальных энергий для наблюдения этих переходов.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):100-110
Pravila oformleniya statey
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(2):111-111