Analysis of the Flow of the Near Wall Region in Natural Convection Boundary Layer

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The analysis of the flow of turbulent natural convection boundary layer near a heated vertical plate was done. On the basis of comparison of criteria of similarity determined relative influence of viscous and convective forces in this region. The approximate equations describing the flow characteristics in the near wall region takes into account the relative influence of viscous and convective forces. Using the analogy between equations of forced turbulent boundary layer and obtained the equations for the near wall region was found corresponding profiles of vertical velocity and excess temperature. On the basis of the profiles of vertical velocity and excess temperature were built of the velocity field and temperature in the near wall region. In the fields of velocities obtained an expression describing the friction in turbulent wall region of a turbulent boundary layer free convection flow. Based on the analogy with a forced turbulent boundary layer and the flow in the near wall region of natural convection turbulent boundary layer near a vertical plate has been proposed to use the Blasius formula for finding the values of the turbulent shear stress on the wall. A review of the results was done.

About the authors

Y P Rybakov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


S G Cherkasov

Keldysh Federal Research Center


Y A Suslov

Keldysh Federal Research Center



Copyright (c) 2016 Рыбаков Ю.П., Черкасов С.Г., Суслов Я.А.

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