Technology of examination of quality of a medical care at hepar cirrhoses

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Diagnostics and treatment of cirrhoses of a hepar are standardized, however in the expert plan at carrying out departmental, non-departmental and forensic medical examinations for the decision of questions on quality and character of the medical care, this is nosology represents the big complexities. It is difficult enough to define positive consequences from rendering assistance, to connect consequences with defects of treatment, whether to define are negative consequences result of treatment or a natural current of process. In work the technology of examination of quality and character of medical aid on the basis of allocation of the defects leading to negative consequences from rendering of medical care is offered. The defects defining negative consequences, are allocated by means of statistical criteria of Kraskel-Uolles and the Mann-Whithney, the importance of each defect was defined on methods of Vald and Kulbak. Set of defects has allowed to allocate such indicator as saved up informative a case, as the arithmetic sum informative the revealed defects. The method of binary logistical regress reveals dependence between indicators saved up informative and consequences of rendering of medical care. The offered technology provides objectivity of an expert estimation and repeatability of examination with experts of other establishments.

About the authors

А V Bereznikov

Omsk State Medical Academy

Кафедра судебной медицины с курсом правоведения; Омская государственная медицинская академия; Omsk State Medical Academy

V P Konev

Omsk State Medical Academy

Кафедра судебной медицины с курсом правоведения; Омская государственная медицинская академия; Omsk State Medical Academy


Copyright (c) 2008 Березников А.В., Конев В.П.

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