Emotivity Elements in Sports Discourse (in Dancing Terminology)

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Anthropocentric approach in linguistics has shown that emotions act not only as objects of reflection in the language, but also as an instrument of autoreflection. Emotivity study is connected to a semantic category of estimation as emotions are the subjective form of an estimation of the phenomena and subjects, that is it is possible to assert that categories of estimation and emotionality are inextricably related in linguistics. In this article the original view on hypothetical estimation and implicit emotivity is offered concerning the terminology of sports dances. The hypothesis is checked by formal way with the help of computer program TextSTAT 2.9 resulting the frequency lists of the analyzed texts and the dictionary - concordance. By results of the concordance analysis existence of three subgroups of terms on character of display emotivity is revealed, namely: showing estimated character; not showing estimated character; neutral terms.

About the authors

V Yu Khlebutina

Moscow State Regional University

Email: valentina.khlebutina@gmail.com
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Chair Linguistics Department

O I Maksimenko

Moscow State Regional University

Email: maxbel7@yandex.ru
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Chair Linguistics Department


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Copyright (c) 2015 Khlebutina V.Y., Maksimenko O.I.

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