
International legal regulation of the circulation of dual-use biotechnologies
Abashidze A.K., Malichenko V.S.
Legal regulation of additive technologies in modern biomedicine
Romanovskaya O.V., Romanovskiy G.B.
The levels of information objectification in the context of legal protection ability
Odintsov S.V., Lazareva E.A.
Legal issues of digital citizenship
Gavrilova Y.A., Bokov Y.A.
Legal culture in the virtual space
Cheremisinova M.E.
The evolution of digital legal proceedings in African countries: Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa in the focus
Rusakova E.P.
New technologies in law as a highly effective means of implementing the constitutional principle of equality in conditions of multi-level legal regulation
Isakov I.N.
Electronic Voting Technologies in Elections: Russian and Foreign Experience
Gadzhieva A.O.
Telemedicine and experimental legal regimes in the field of healthcare: problems and prospects for implementation
Davydova M.L.
Blockchain, metaverses and NFT in civil procedure and arbitration in Russia, China and USA
Ermakova E.P.
Analysis of the legal bases of the state corporation «Rostec» and its personnel policy
Areshkin A.S.
Organizational and legal problems of the program for the development of genetic technologies implementation
Zhavoronkova N.G., Agafonov V.B.
Modern trends in the legal regulation of the use of educational technology in the educational systems
Gribov P.G., Tishchenko T.A.
High-tech law: concept, genesis and prospects
Bertovsky L.V.
To the question of modern society informatization ant the need of ensuring national information security of Russian Federation at the present stage
Galushkin A.A.
Legal regulation in the field of genetically modified organisms (GMO) turnover in Russia and foreign countries
Novikova R.G.
The legal regulation of the personal data in the foreign countries
Ivanskiy V.P.
Human rights and modern biomedicine: problems and perspectives
Romanovskiy G.B., Romanovskaya O.V.
Rusakova E.P.
Frolova E.E.
Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Space
Yastrebov O.A.
1 - 21 of 21 Items

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