No 3 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 17
- URL:

Law and economic policy of the Russian state
The article is devoted to a number of aspects of Russian economic policy as well as a role of law in its realization. The reasons of failures of the state at the initial stage of carrying out of economic transformations are considered. The necessity of their long-term program proves. Influence of the factor of globalization on economic policy is analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):11-15

Peculiarities of grounds of civil liability for environmental damage
The article deals with lively debated questions relating to the independence of liability for environmental damage. The author also pays attention to the peculiarities of grounds of such a liability, analyses both russian and foreign laws establishing liability for environmental damage resulting from activities of sources of heightened danger.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):16-23

Russian legislation in accordance with international protection of children acts
The States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 have to work for extend children rights using national law, develop and popularize the principles and provisions of the Convention. Russian existing legislation has been exchanged taking into account International Protection of Children Acts.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):24-29

Presidency in the Asian and African states and in Republic Mali
In the clause the features of presidency in the Asian and African states are briefly considered. The presidency in Republic Mali is discussed in more details. On the basis of the Constitution of 1992 the author of the clause shows a modern condition of this institute which at the moment has all chances to become quite democratic establishment. It is possible to ascertain, thus, consecutive enough development of institute of presidency in this state - from early «rough and perverted» features to more civilized, democratic. In clause the conclusion is made that on the basis of the Constitution of Republic Mali, it is impossible to consider the Mali state unequivocally neither parliamentary, nor presidential. It is a question, more likely, of the mixed state system which borrows simultaneously elements at parliamentary and presidential building.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):53-57

The general questions concerning contestation of the decisions of international commercial arbitrations of Switzerland
This article investigates processual and legal aspects, which concern the possibility of contestation of decisions of International Commercial Arbitrations in Switzerland and permissibility of refusal from the contestation by agreement of the parties.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):58-63

Voluntary consent as a condition to medical intervention ubder the Russian and American law
This article is devoted to research of the international agreements, laws and regulations acts of Russia and the USA, which regulate the right of citizens to the informed voluntary consent to medical intervention. In article the attention is given to the nature and the contents of the informed voluntary consent of the patient on medical intervention, to concept and value of definition of risk of medical intervention, and also the form of reception from the patient of the informed consent to medical intervention.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):70-75

Tesimony in civil procedure regulation of Russia and Germany
This article presents a comparative analysis overview of Russian and German civil procedural rules concerning testimony. The author formulates positive and negative regulation and makes proposals for future development of Russian civil procedure, legislative and doctrinal perspectives on this question.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):76-80

Cross-border insolvency in the EU: the problem of choice of the jurisdiction
The present article is dedicated to analysis of unification of provisions concerning cross-border insolvency in the EU and provisions of the Council Regulation (EC) № 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings, concerning the problem of opening the main insolvency proceeding. The Eurofood insolvency case, which now has become a precedent for further resolution of problems, connected with determination of the place of opening the main insolvency procedure, is being analyzed in the present article.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):81-86

To the question about the determinations of the terrorism in the works of the foreign jurisprudents
The Article is dedicated to study of the problem, undoubtedly actual and significant, which will promote the production of the ways of the fight with International Terrorism. The Author addresses to analysis one of a such aspect of the problem - a question about the base determination of the notion «terrorism» on foundation of the study of the multiple scientific works of the foreign jurisprudents, that has allowed to show the differences in the determinations of the Terrorism nowadays.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):87-92

Provisions of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 and other international documents in the field of idigenous peoples rights protection
In the article the analysis of the main international documents on indigenous people's rights protection is given. The basement of it is the ILO Convention on indigenous and tribal peoples, 1989. Author in his work retrace the dynamics of the formation and development of the international standards in this field, which gives us the possibility to watch the international law evolution, to determine its role in the contemporary system of the indigenous people's rights protection and to appraise its potential in future.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(3):93-100