RUDN Journal of Law

Editor-in-Chief: Oleg A. Yastrebov, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of EconomicsProfessor

ISSN: 2313-2337 (Print) ISSN: 2408-9001 (Online)

Founded in 1997. Publication frequency: quarterly.

Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge

Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English

PUBLISHERPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)

Journal History

Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, RSCI, DOAJ, Crossref, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, East View, Cyberleninka, Dimensions, ResearchBib, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs


RUDN Journal of Law is a scientific periodical devoted to fundamental and sectoral studies in the field of law.

The journal publishes materials that satisfy the requirements of scientific novelty and relevance – scientific articles, review articles, analytical reviews of modern legislation, both in Russia and abroad, reviews of monographs.

Aims and Scope:

  • to publish the results of original scientific research on a wide range of issues of modern development of the state and law in the modern world;
  • to promote scientific exchange and cooperation between Russian and foreign legal scholars, specialists, including representatives of related fields;
  • to acquaint readers with the latest areas of research in the field of legal science both in Russia and abroad, their practical implementation;
  • publish the results of scientific research on interdisciplinary problems that reveal the interaction of law, economics, politics, culture, communications, etc .;
  • to promote the study of the peculiarities of legal systems by various socio-cultural communities, including student youth.

Materials presenting the analysis of the latest legislation and law enforcement practice, including articles on current issues of public and private law, specifics of realization of certain institutions of law, are welcome. A special feature of publication is rubrics covering issues of genetics and law, law and genomic study, as well as legal research methodology.

The journal publishes reviews of the most important scientific events, reviews textbooks which are recognized among the wider legal community, announcements of new scientific literature. In addition, the journal welcomes articles in English with extended translation. 

The journal is intended for researchers, teachers at law schools and faculties, post-graduate students, practicing lawyers, as well as a wide range of readers interested in legal issues; it is addressed to Russian and international audiences.

A feature of the journal is the regularly announced thematic issues devoted to the most significant scientific problems. Both Russian and foreign scientists can be invited co-editors of such issues. A versatile in-depth study of the problems of the right to clarify the positions of scholars and specialists on controversial, complex presentation of various scientific schools on complex issues of jurisprudence, the development of an optimal research methodology.

The journal strictly adheres to the international edition of the publication ethics, compiled in the COPE document (CommitteeonPublicationEthics)



Finished accepting articles for publication in 2024.

Posted: 08.08.2024

Dear authors! Finished accepting articles for publication in 2024.

The editors are accepting manuscripts for issues of 2025.

Finished accepting articles for publication in thematic issue of Digitalisation and Law

Posted: 22.06.2024

Dear authors! Finished accepting articles for publication in the 3rd issue of the Journal for 2024. The special theme of the issue is "Digitalisation and Law".

Theme issue

Posted: 14.10.2023

Dear readers and authors!

We would like to notify you that the 3rd issue of the Journal for 2024 will be devoted to Digitalization and Law. In this regard, the editorial board invites you to prepare scientific articles on this topic. The scope and requirements for the format of articles remain unchanged.

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Current Issue



Legal culture in the virtual space
Cheremisinova M.E.

The article aims to examine the peculiarities of the formation of legal culture in the virtual space from the standpoint of creating a safe and productive environment for internet communication. The relevance of the research is determined by the special attention given to the behavior of participants in onine interactions, the impact of cross-cultural aspects, technological innovations and the social consequences of technology on their activities. In the course of the study, the dialectical method of cognition was used. Cultural and legal characteristics are considered from the point of view of legal traditions, social innovations, freedom from legal restrictions, and the development of technologies that dictate certain behaviors. As a result, specific characteristics of legal culture manifested in the virtual space have been identified, reflecting its stable and dynamic features. It is emphasized that in the virtual space, there is so called struggle for legal culture, as various samples are adapted to the new socio-technological environment. The conclusion is drawn that legal culture and its individual manifestations become suplementary, sometimes substituting means of regulating internet relations in the absence of clear regulatory legal prescriptions. In this regard, the importance of legal culture increases, contributing to the search for approaches to legal regulation in the conditions of technology socialization.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):477-493
pages 477-493 views
Global challenge of digitalization as a condition for the development of casuistry
Dovgan K.E.

The work of Roman jurists laid foundation for the theory of legal casuistry. Certain elements of rhetoric, such as metaphors that evolved in Roman law, were reflected in the language of legal science. A contemporary evaluation of legal casuistry involves considering new trends in the development of society. “Artificial intelligence” serves as a metaphor in law; therefore, a more detailed examination of information legal relations in modern contexts is essential. Legal casuistry acts as a supplementary tool in legal processes; its components enable logical, legal, psychological and philosophical assessments and interpretations of legal relations. This tool allows for tracing the anthropological essence of social relations, evaluating the exhaustiveness and certainty of legislative activities, and serves as a criterion for defining the boundaries of legal institutions’ existence. Leveraging legal casuistry is essential for analyzing and evaluating both established and emerging dynamic information legal relations.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):494-511
pages 494-511 views
Digital identity and digital image of an individual: Legal characteristics and the place in the system of related categories
Demkin V.O.

The purpose of the work is to study the definition and content of the terms “digital personality”, “digital image of a person”, “digital profile”, “digital citizenship”, their interrelation, as well as legal problems related to these categories. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the active discussion of regulatory legal acts in the areas of building a system of digital profiles, digital citizenship in different countries of the world. The method of research is the analysis of Russian and foreign literature and practice, identification of their fundamental provisions, study of interrelations with more “classical” legal categories, including classical human rights and personal data. The conclusion is drawn about the fundamental position of the category of “digital personality” for the study of the phenomenon of the modern digital person. It is primarily related to human rights in the modern digital world. Such a category directly affects other concepts under study, including information (data) about individuals, as well as the overall policy in the sphere of citizens' participation in state governance. In order to study the phenomenon of the digital person, it is necessary, first of all, to study the category of the digital person from the point of view of their rights in the digital world, i.e., from the point of view of human rights.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):512-527
pages 512-527 views
Overview of PRC law and practice in the development of modern digital law
Jia S.

Over the past five years, China has rapidly embrased the digital society. The new generation of digital technologies, including big data and artificial intelligence, is playing an increasingly important role. To address the new challenges posed to the traditional legal system due to the wide application of new technologies, such as information security and personal data protection, Chinese legislators have undertaken unprecedented intellectual innovation, and digital legislation continues to evolve. The development of digital technologies and the onset of the digital era have not only led to new changes in public production and created new space for human life but have also expanded new areas of state administration. The concept of “digital legal governance” as a product of the integration of digital governance and legal governance has been introduced by Chinese jurists and plays a significant role in the process of public administration. In recent years, China has accelerated changes in judicial reform, comprehensively establishing digital courts. The rules for Online Court, Online Mediation and Online Operations, consistently introduced by the Supreme People’s Court of China since June 2021, have provided for the online function of the digital court. This article provides a detailed analysis of a series of the recent regulative acts in the field of transforming digital law in China. It elucidates the key concepts and measures in practice related to the construction of “digital legal governance”. The article also demonstrates China's experience in establishing typical digital courts as an example, with the hope of providing other countries with useful insights into improving digital law.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):528-545
pages 528-545 views


Legal issues of digital citizenship
Gavrilova Y.A., Bokov Y.A.

The artile examines the phenomenon of digital citizenship in legal science. Interest in digital citizenship is driven by the rapid development of digital society and technology, radical transformations of individuals’s identity and legal culture in this era, ambiguity between universal and national understanding of digitalization, interdisciplinary disagreement in scientific views on this phenomenon, and its varying sectoral legal interpretations. The purpose of the study is to identify the legal issues of digital citizenship as a direct subject of study for legal science. Methods applied include formal-legal, socio-legal, concrete sociological, comparative legal, statistical, modeling, forecasting, and cultural studies. Three of the most relevant legal issues of digital citizenship are examined as a legal construct, a comprehensive legal institution, and a distinct phenomenon of modern legal culture. The legal construct of digital citizenship allows for the generalization of typical elements of diverse phenomena and situations united by the attribute “digital” in a citizen’s life. Elements of the digital citizenship construct are proposed as follows: digital education, digital literacy competence, digital identity, digital thinking and digital behavior. A comprehensive legal institution of digital citizenship will ensure the unity of scientific, legislative and applied approaches in precise and effective legal regulation of all areas of public life where digital technologies are integrated. The comprehensive legal institution of digital citizenship may include institutions of e-democracy and e-voting, e-business, e-government, e-justice, and others. Digital citizenship as a phenomenon of legal culture can be measured using quantitative and qualitative methods, reflecting the level of a citizen’s digital maturity through established legal knowledge, skills, values, reflection, and practical experience in the digital environment.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):546-564
pages 546-564 views
Law and digitalization of modern healthcare
Romanovskaya O.V., Romanovskiy G.B.

The article addresses the issues in healthcare delivery and organization of public healthcare in the face of rapid advancements in digital technologies. The purpose of the study is to outline the legal challenges arising during the implementation of concepts such as digital health, e-health, mobile health as well as establishing the legal framework for electronic medical records and telemedicine, and certain types of innovative biomedical activities. The article illustrates the consistent impact of information and communication technologies on the interaction between patients and healthcare providers. It defines the legal framework for telemedicine and its transition to e-health. The study systematizes the particularities of legal regulations concerning both general electronic medical record and those developed by specialized medical organizations. It presents legal challenges related to data compatibility and potential cross-border exchanges. The concept of mobile healthcare is analyzed, with attention given to the risks associated with its development, notably threats to privacy and cybersecurity. The main directions of digital medicine and the challenges faced by modern legal regulations are summarized, including the use of big data, the integration of artificial intelligence, translational bioinformatics, gamification of various stages of medical care, etc. Additionally, the legal challenges arising from the use of big data and introduction of certain digital devices into medical practice are outlined, with special attention given to the brain-computer interface. Comprehensive recommendations for the improvement of healthcare legislation are presented.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):565-583
pages 565-583 views
The use of Artificial Intelligence technologies by internet platforms for the purposes of censorship
Diskin E.I.

The issue of abuse in regulating content moderation on internet platforms using artificial intelligence technologies is relatively new in legal science and practice. Regulatory frameworks in this area are still evolving, and enforcement practices have yet to be fully established. The author employs formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical methods and legal modeling to analyze the negative consequences of using software systems with artificial intelligence elements for user content moderation. By examining various technological solutions utilized by internet platforms for data collection and processing, the article highlights a potential threat to citizens’ rights to access and share information if legal relations governing content moderation with artificial intelligence are not significantly enhanced. It explores evidence suggesting that in the absence of regulatory constrains transparency requirements, internet platforms may begin censorship by removing content, based on their own criteria, even if it does not violate laws or platform guidelines. The author argues that unchecked actions by internet platforms could restrict individuals and political entities from expressing their views, posing a significant threat to democratic principles. By examining Russian, EU and US laws alongside current trends in internet platforms operations, the article concludes that the existing legal frameworks are inadequate and calls for legislative oversight and control over technologies used for content moderation, algorithms, and artificial intelligence applications.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):584-603
pages 584-603 views


The doctrine of frustration and the doctrine of force majeure in Indian law enforcement practice in the digital era
Begichev A.V., Tsander Y.M.

The article delves into the comparative legal analysis of the doctrines of force majeure and frustration in Indian legislation, which are the most relevant in contemporary scenarios. The objective is to examine the legal essence of these concepts, identify similarities and differences, and outline the characteristics of circumstances leading to contract impossibility and constituting force majeure events. Through a review of Indian legislation and judicial precedents, the article seeks to explore the application scope of these doctrines, including in the context of digitalization and the rise of electronic document management. The employed methods include theoretical approaches such as formal and dialectical logic, comparative-legal logic, interpretation, and description. Specific scientific methods comprise juridical-dogmatic analysis and the interpretation of legal norms. The results highlight that in Indian law, the doctrine of force majeure is invoked in the presence of a specified «force majeure event» outlined in the contract, while «impossibility» encompasses other unforeseen circumstances not covered by the force majeure clause. Notably, in Indian practice, «impossibility» is construed as «impracticability» not solely as literal physical «impossibility». In conclusion, a key distinction between frustration and force majeure lies in the event’s impact on the contract. Nevertheless, despite these distinctions, both legal institutions share a common objective of mitigating potential losses for contractual parties when unforeseen circumstances impede the fulfillment of obligation.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):604-621
pages 604-621 views
Consеnt to pеrsonal data procеssing - a sui gеnеris action
Zyubanov K.A.

Thе consеnt for procеssing pеrsonal data is onе of thе most commontly usеd lеgal grounds within thе framеwork of data protеction rеgulations. Howеvеr, comparеd to othеr basеs such as lеgal obligations or contractual nеcеssity, nеithеr Russian, nor intеrnational rеsеarchеrs havе comе to a clеar and balancеd undеrstanding of thе lеgal naturе of thе consеnt for pеrsonal data procеssing and thе actions through which it is grantеd. Through this study, wе havе concludеd that granting thе consеnt to pеrsonal data procеssing thе еxclusivе status of a civil transaction doеs not fully align with thе primary purposе of thе pеrsonal data protеction rеgulations and prеsеnts additional risks to thе еvolution of thе concеpt. Thе proposеd approach is to acknowlеdgе thе sui gеnеris naturе of consеnt to pеrsonal data procеssing as an action, thе right to which is spеcifiеd in public law rеgulation but thе initiation of which can also lеad to civil law consеquеncеs, as thе actions through which thе consеnt is grantеd can bе considеrеd lеgal facts pеr sе. This approach is basеd on a nеwly formulatеd intеrprеtation of thе “Occam’s Razor” principlе, which discouragеs thе unjustifiеd multiplication of еntitiеs. Thе rеsеarch mеthodology is basеd on gеnеral sciеntific (dialеctical, logical, systеmic) and spеcific lеgal mеthods (formal lеgal, comparativе lеgal, lеgal modеling mеthod). This approach allows еmbracing both thе spеcifics of data protеction rеgulations, which is still in thе procеss of intеrdisciplinary crystallization, and thе divеrsity of pеrspеctivеs and anglеs from which rеsеarchеrs from various fiеlds can addrеss data protеction rеgulations.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):622-633
pages 622-633 views
Dеmystification of propеrty rights in thе contеxt of thе digital transformation of thе еconomy
Efimov A.V.

Thе rеsеarch rеlеvancе liеs in thе intеrsеction of thе classical civil problеm of thе lеgal naturе of propеrty rights and thе еvolving landscapе of digital tеchnologiеs, which has givеn risе to propеrty rights taking on a digital form (digital rights). This has lеd to thе nееd to еstablish thе lеgal framеwork for such digital rights, including utilitarian digital rights and digital financial assеts, within thе broadеr contеxt of propеrty rights. Thе issuе of thе lеgal framеwork for digital currеncy rеmains unrеsolvеd sincе it posеs challеngеs in classification within thе rеalm of propеrty rights. Furthеmorе, in ordеr to qualify propеrty law as falling undеr civil rights, thе focus must bе on thе prеsеncе of an absolutе right that dеfinеs thе opposition and ownеrship of this propеrty by a cеrtain еntity. Thе objеctivе is to dеvеlop sciеntific and thеorеtical principlеs for qualifying propеrty rights as objеcts of civil rights within thе contеxt of еconomic digitalization. This objеctivе is pursuеd through thе application of a systеmatic approach and a group of formal logical mеthods (dеduction, induction, analogy, еtc.), as wеll as spеcial lеgal mеthods (formal lеgal, comparativе lеgal, lеgal modеling mеthod). Thе rеsеarch has rеsultеd in a two-tiеrеd approach to thе study of propеrty rights. Thе first lеvеl involvеs еxamining thе contеnt of thе propеrty right within thе contеxt of rеlativе lеgal rеlationships, whilе thе sеcond lеvеl involvеs considеring a spеcific absolutе right to such propеrty rights. Thе rеsеarch concludеs that non-cash monеy (including thе digital rublе) and digital currеncy do not fall undеr thе rеalm of propеrty rights; thеy arе indеpеndеnt objеcts of civil rights. Additionally, it assеrts that absolutе and rеlativе rights pеrtaining to propеrty rights can bе manifеstеd in thе form of tokеns.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):634-650
pages 634-650 views
Cross-border aspects of administrative protection of intellectual property: a survey of Russian court practice
Agamagomedova S.A.

The importance of studying the protection of intellectual property rights in the face of modern challenges and threats, changes in Russia’s economic paradigm, and the search for new competitive advantages in the global economy is undisputed. The article aims to analyze the selected cross-border aspects of the administrative protection of intellectual property based on a review of Russian judicial practice. In this research, the formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical methods, as well as method of system analysis of the judiciary acts are used. The analysis of judicial practice in administrative cases related to intellectual property identified by the customs authorities reveals several problem areas. These issues include the competence of customs authorities in implementing customs control of goods containing intellectual property items, the use of expert procedures, the participation of the right holder in such litigation, and the exhaustion of intellectual property rights in the context of sanctions against Russia. Regarding the competence of customs authorities in the field of administrative protection of intellectual property rights, clear limits of such competence are defined, particularly in relation to the cross-border movement of goods under customs control. It is concluded that customs protection of intellectual property is limited to part of the intellectual property during cross-border movement. The article emphasizes the significant role of expert procedures in administrative cases related to intellectual property involving customs authorities. Arguments are presented against the use of opinions issued by copyright holders, and the participation of the copyright holder in the administrative protection of exclusive rights in the cross-border movement of goods is assessed. Special attention is paid to the principle of rights exhaustion and its implementation in judicial practice, particularly in the context of strengthening the sanctions regime against Russia and the partial legalization of parallel imports. The article concludes that cross-border protection of intellectual rights is positioned as an element of the entire system of legal protection of intellectual rights.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):651-668
pages 651-668 views


Engaging a specialist for the investigation of cryptocurrencies in criminal, civil and arbitration proceedings
Garmaev Y.P., Osipov G.P.

The spread and use of cryptocurrencies (digital currency) in Russia and globally is increasing significantly every year. As the cryptocurrency market has grown, its criminal component has also grown at the same time. The number and degree of public danger of crimes where cryptocurrency acts as an object, aim or means of crime is steadily increasing. Civil and arbitration disputes over cryptocurrencies are also on the rise. Consequently, there is an objective need to effectively protect the interests of victims from criminal offenses, investigate relevant crimes and resolve disputes. Addressing these issues is impossible without the assistance of cryptocurrency specialists. The article formulates a definition of cryptocurrency crime, analyzes the challenges of using cryptocurrencies, ranging from the incomplete regulatory framework of its circulation to the lack of expertise among most practicing lawyers. It investigates and summarizes the conflicting practices in terms of requirements for cryptocurrency specialists, their conditions and procedure of their involvement in various legal proceedings. The prevalence of incompetence and dishonesty among individuals and companies offering services in the crypto market is noted, and appropriate warnings are put forth. The study systematizes and describes typical criminal, investigative and judicial scenarios where the expertise of a cryptocurrency specialist is necessary. It also provides conclusions and recommendations on organizing and strategizing interaction with cryptocurrency specialists in the interests of victims (including organizations), investigative authorities and/or the court. The conclusion summarizes the roles of cryptocurrency research specialists in various stages and legal proceedings (criminal, civil and arbitration) from oral and written consultations, preparation of specialist opinions to participation in investigative actions, court hearings and negotiations between conflicting parties. The research incorporates both general and specific scientific methodologies such as system-structural analysis, formal-logical extrapolation, document analysis, statistical analysis, prognostic and interviewing techniques.

RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):669-684
pages 669-684 views


Review of the monograph: Rochford F. (2024) Environmental Personhood: New Trajectories in Law. Abingdon, Oxon [UK]; New York: Routledge
Alferova E.V., Skurko E.V.


RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):685-693
pages 685-693 views
Judicial Power and Judicial System: Review of the international scientific and practical conference
Komlev E.Y., Dobryakov D.A.


RUDN Journal of Law. 2024;28(3):694-697
pages 694-697 views

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