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The article examines the features of judicial control in ensuring the legality and va- lidity of decisions made by operational units of internal affairs bodies. The relevance of the work is determined by an attempt to improve the legal mechanisms for the implementation of judicial control in the above-mentioned area based on the study of judicial practice, as well as legal conflicts and gaps in the current operational search legislation. The subject of the study is the system of control powers of the court: 1) verification of the legality and validity of decisions of the operational unit to conduct certain operational search activities by granting permission to the court to conduct them; 2) checking the legality and validity of decisions of the operational unit to conduct certain operational search activities according to their urgent (emergent) conduct; 3) checking the legality and validity of decisions of the operational unit to carry out operational search activities on citizens' complaints. The purpose of this work is to study the essential characteristics of the control powers of the court in ensuring the legality and validity of decisions made by operational divisions of internal affairs bodies. The methodology of the research is based on the General scientific dialectical method of cognition and the scientific methods that follow from it: system, logical, comparative legal analysis, statistical, special legal, and others. The theoretical basis of the research rests on the scientific works of V. V. Abramochkin, V. A. Azarov, Yu. M. Groshevii, S. V. Eskov, N. S. Zheleznyak, V. I. Ivanov, Ch.M. Ismailov, N. A. Kolokolov, E. L. Nkitin, I. A. Odnoshevin, R. H. Rakhimzoda, A. I. Tambovtsev, A. N. Khalikov, I. D. Shatokhin and other authoritative scientists who have made a significant contribution to the solution of doctrinal and applied problems of judicial control in the field of operational search activity. As a result of scientific analysis of judicial practice and legal literature, the author proposes a number of legal tools that affect the court's assessment of the legality and validity of operational search decisions on conducting intrusive OSM, and identifies legal conflicts that require delicate study and technical elimination. In addition, it is argued that amendments to the provisions of the Federal Law “On Operational Search Activities” aimed at preempting precedents for recognizing evidence obtained during the OSM in cases that can’t be delayed and may lead to a serious or particularly serious crime are unacceptable. The results of the study can be used in law enforcement practice of subjects of operational search activity, judges, authorized prosecutors, as well as in scientific work when analyzing problems of judicial control in the field of operational search activity.

About the authors

Dmitriy A. Babichev

Kostroma State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: babichev-lavd@inbox.ru

candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of judicial and law enforcement activities

17 Dzerzhinsky Street, 156005, Kostroma, Russian Federation


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