- Authors: Zyrianov A.V.1
- South Ural State University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 60-81
- URL:
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This article is devoted to the problem of theory and practice of public administration in modern conditions. Actualization is carried out by searching for a new paradigm approach in order to determine the starting points regarding optimization and increasing the efficiency of the corresponding sphere of public relations. The self-organizational approach, developed as a synergistic-information approach, corresponding to the methodological principles of the modern postnonclassical paradigm of scientific rationality, which was the result of the development of ideas of cybernetics, tectology, theory of systems and theory of dissipative structures, represents a special (different from the “classical” (mechanistic)) view on the relations of organization and management of state processes. It is established that the process of organization is aimed at revealing new socially constructive qualities of the becoming systemic form and provides fixation and completion of the corresponding self-organizing structures of the state mechanism. Self-organization is included in the organizational process, providing flexibility and adaptive capacity of purposefully created structures. However, in this process, at the same time, there are stable structures of static importance, forming subsystems of management, designed to preserve the static form, regardless of their social value. The objective conservatism of these formations stagnates the creative renewal of the way of activity of social individuals, thus closing the process of formation of society as a whole and turning it into a system of final type. In this case, self-organization manifests itself as an opposing party to such a state and on a historical scale destroys the rigid structures of public administration, with their inherent anomalies of the state apparatus. In the synergistic-informational understanding of the meaning of the state, its administrative purpose is to provide conditions for the dynamic formation of society capable of overcoming extreme, crisis processes. As a result, it is possible to consider the provision on the unity of forms of public order - self-organization, organization and means of their provision - public administration. The latter is considered not only as a function of organization and manifestation of self-organization, but as a means of implementing public order in both forms. This implies overcoming the mismatch between the interests of the people and the system of power in the state policy. Since the formation of such a policy of the state is associated with the transition from the power base of regulation of public relations to the information one, this process acquires an objective meaning and cannot but form the basis for the development of the strategy of socio-economic and socio-political development of the country, all socially significant administrative projects.
About the authors
Aleksey V. Zyrianov
South Ural State University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Theory of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Law Institute
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