- Authors: Tsukanova E.Y.1
- Belgorod National Research University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 25-45
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the problems of the formation and positioning of the legal status category in legal science. The relevance of this phenomenon in law is due to the lack of its unambiguous perception, which does not allow to fully determine its place and purpose in the theory of legal facts. The purpose of this article is to determine the philosophical and dialectical basis for the inclusion of this concept in the scientific categorical apparatus of jurisprudence. This will allow with sufficient certainty to identify its main characteristics, place in the classification of legal facts, as well as functional relationships with other elements of the legal-factual system. The methodological basis of the article was made by modern achievements of the theory of knowledge. In the research process, theoretical, general philosophical (dialectic, analysis, synthesis, deduction, systemic method,), as well as traditional legal methods (formal-logical, normative-dogmatic and others) were used. In the process of research, based on the ratio of the dialectic categories of movement and rest, the conclusion was formulated that physical reality is a series of static and dynamic situations. Static circumstances characterizing the stability and sustainability of a phenomenon or object are states. The variability of social relations is due to dynamic circumstances, which serve as the basis for a change of state. This approach allowed us to formulate the conclusion that states are natural elements of physical being. They can be qualified as real life circumstances and, provided that the rule of law associates a certain legal consequence with them, they should be recognized as legal facts. An analysis of the place of the state in the system of legal facts allowed us to conclude that the length of time cannot be considered as qualifying it. States are characterized by length in time, and it is precisely the “fluidity” of the phenomenon that matters for a specific situation. When a certain process takes a long time, but as applied to the social situation, it matters as a single whole, then it should be considered as an instantaneous fact.
About the authors
Elena Yu. Tsukanova
Belgorod National Research University
Author for correspondence.
candidate of Legal Sciences, associate professor the Department of Civil Law and Procedure
85, Pobeda st., 308015, Belgorod, the Belgorod region, RussiaReferences
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