- Authors: Peshin N.L.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 23, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 311-332
- URL:
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Legal regulation of issues of public control and supervision is one of the problems of legal theory and practice. Underestimating of the place and features of municipal control in the system of public control and supervision is the cause of the poor quality of legal decisions taken, as well as legislation adopted at the level of both the Russian Federation and individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Municipal control in the system of public control and supervision, developing recommendations aimed at overcoming the shortcomings of legal regulation and practice of implementing municipal control. Methods: general and private scientific methods of cognition of objective reality (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, analogy, comparative legal, formal legal, and other methods of scientific cognition). The article deals with issues of relationship between state and municipal (public) control carried out by local self-government bodies - as a rule, due to the need to solve tasks that fall within the competence of state power. The problems of its independent implementation are studied based on the principles of local self-government - self-organization and self-control. A detailed analysis of the current legislation, allowing local governments to act as “controlling agents” of state power, is conducted, and based on this analysis, conclusions are made about the existing of municipal public control in the system of local self-government as a specific public phenomenon combining elements of public law and private law regulation. As a state, the Russian Federation is faced with the task of drastically improving the system of control (supervision) as a function of public power, and therefore the already initiated legal reform in this area will undoubtedly continue. In the context of the development of civil society and an open state, the development of forms of public control is also necessary, the lack of which creates a sense of “permissiveness” among the subjects of public power and inevitably leads to a decrease in the efficiency of public authority. Municipal public control within the framework of this system of public-state control should be oriented, including intra-system, at identifying deficiencies in the work of the bodies and officials of local self-government that impede the improvement of the quality of management and organizations. As a result, municipal public control should contribute to a safer for citizens to work and provide services to individuals and legal entities. Sphere of constitutional, administrative and municipal law; questions of the organization of state power and local self-government in the subjects of the Russian Federation; questions of control and supervisory activities. Separate existence of municipal authority does not mean the lack of interaction of local selfgovernment with state administration, non-coincidence of municipal formations under the influence of state-governmental structures, denial of influence of state on local self-government. State power has a significant impact on development of basic social processes predetermining the peculiarities of the implementation of public control by the municipal government. The implementation of supervisory activities, including at the local government level, is an important part of the stable, uninterrupted functioning of the state.
About the authors
Nikolay L. Peshin
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University
1, bld. 13, Leninskie gory, 119234, Moscow, RussiaReferences
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