Book review: Bordyuzha, N. N., et al. (Eds.). (2022). Sustainability and Security Analytics of Greater Eurasia. The Image of the Future: Threats, Challenges and Risks: II Eurasian Analytical Forum: Collection of reports of the plenary session and analytical session “Information and analytical support for socio-economic development of the Eurasian Economic Union at the present stage”, Minsk, November 11, 2021. International University “MITSO”. Minsk: MITSO publ., 388 p. (In Russian)






Komron Rakhimov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2771-1817

кандидат исторических наук, ассистент кафедры теории и истории международных отношений

Moscow, Russian Federation


  1. Bordyuzha, N. N., et al. (Eds.). (2022). Sustainability and security analytics of Greater Eurasia. The image of the future: Threats, challenges and risks: II Eurasian Analytical Forum: Collection of reports of the plenary session and analytical session “Information and analytical support for socio-economic development of the Eurasian Economic Union at the present stage”, Minsk, November 11, 2021. International university “MITSO”. Minsk: MITSO publ. (In Russian)

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