Book review: Kayashima, N., Kuroda, K., & Kitamura, Y. (2022). Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: History and Prospects. Springer Singapore, 365 p.






Lusine Melkonyan

People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0294-8076

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Theory and History of International Relations

Moscow, Russian Federation


  1. Kayashima, N. (2019). Kōtō kyōiku no kokusai ka to Nippon no daigaku no ODA sanka [Internationalization of Higher Education and ODA Participation of Japanese Universities]. Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press. (In Japanese)
  2. Kayashima, N. (2020). Jizoku kanōna kaihatsu mokuhyō no jidai niokeru Nippon no kokusai kyōiku kyōryoku [Japan’s International Education Cooperation in the Era of SDGs]. Institute for Peace Policy. (In Japanese).
  3. Kayashima, N., & Morgan, P. (2019). Realizing education for all in the digital age: Think 20 (T20). ADB Institute.
  4. Kayashima, N., Kuroda, K., & Kitamura, Y. (2022). Japan’s international cooperation in education: History and prospects. Springer Singapore.
  5. Kitamura, Y., & Brehm, W. (2020). Public policy innovation for human capital development. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization.
  6. Kitamura, Y., & Brehm, W. (2022). Memory in the Mekong: Regional identity, schools, and politics in Southeast Asia. New York: Teachers College Press.
  7. Kuroda, K., Kamikubo, M., & Passarelli, D. (2009). Formulating an international higher education framework for regional cooperation and integration in Asia. Waseda Graduate Institute for Asian Regional Integration
  8. Kuroda, K., Yuki, T., Hong, Y., & Kang, K. (2012). Cross-border collaborative degree programs in East Asia: Expectations and challenges. JICA-RI Working Paper, (39), 1-31

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