USA - Australian Relationship in the Cadre of the New Barak Obama Foreign Police Doctrine




Here's a comparative analysis of political and economic situation in the Asian-Pacific Region at the period of George W. Bush administration and the one, that has developed since the new President Barak Obama came to power. The paper looks deeply into the new context of the latest foreign policy regarding the Allies, neutral countries and opponents of the United States. The author seeks to show that the «new» U.S. policy has just minor adjustments. The article offers the future vision of the U.S. multilateral policy and it's impact on international order in the Pacific, particular it's influence on the closest U.S. ally in the region - Australia.


E Firsov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Кафедра теории и истории международных отношений; Российский Университет дружбы народов; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


版权所有 © Firsov E.V., 2011

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