The Formation of the New Global "Rules of the Game": the Role of Russia
- 作者: Kalamanov V.A.1
- Vladimir Avdashevich
- 期: 卷 16, 编号 1 (2016): "Soft Power" in International Relations. The Image of Russia
- 页面: 95-113
- 栏目: Articles
- URL:
The given article presents analysis of contemporary geopolitical situation in the world. The author proves that the growth of international tensions caused by disappearance of the balance of power in world politics as well as the strategy of hegemonic power of the U.S. actualizes the necessity of activation of political role of the Russian Federation in the world. The author argues the common understanding that the status of the “superpower” on the world stage is primarily determined by economic parameters. With the decrease of international powers of the United States, the illusion of “American exceptionalism” vanishes that leads to transformations of geopolitical and geostrategic configurations. In this regard, Russian military operation in Syria clearly demonstrates the return by Russia of its superpower status in world politics and the elimination of the imaginary monopoly of NATO on “precision war”. Thus, Russian Federation demonstrates a fundamentally different foreign policy model based on respect for international law, the principles of national sovereignty and multilateral cooperation. The return of Russia's superpower status is determined by its ability to openly oppose the US on issues of fundamental importance and requires the consolidation of Russian society, formation of state ideology and the intensification of efforts to build foreign alliances and participate in integration associations.
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