BRICS: Evolution and Convergence of Powers
- 作者: Yagya V.S.1, Chukov R.S.1, Parfenenok N.L.1
- St. Petersburg State University
- 期: 卷 16, 编号 1 (2016): "Soft Power" in International Relations. The Image of Russia
- 页面: 7-16
- 栏目: Articles
- URL:
Conducting of foreign policy solely by means of classical diplomacy today seems inefficient. States are supposed to use additional set of tools that have traditionally been at the confluence of soft and hard powers. Convergence of these concepts launched the emergence of such strategies, as smart power and hybrid power that we analyze as a system in relation to such a phenomenon, as BRICS. In the first part of paper we contemplate the concept of power and further expand it to the theoretical ground of each of these strategies along with the existing experience and prospects of their implementation in the BRICS countries. Systematic analysis is taken as the basis of the methodology of this paper, which allowed us to explore this theme separately for each of the BRICS countries and collectively as a system. Feasibility of a number of our provisions is confirmed by relevant case studies and analyses of the most relevant Russian and foreign literature, which results in our main conclusions. Current trends indicate that the BRICS countries are actively expanding its presence in all the key sectors of the global economy and politics. BRICS is at an early stage of implementation of own formats and tools of smart and hybrid powers, the role of which will steadily increase in the international activities of the group, adding value to its arsenal of traditional diplomacy. The potential capacity of soft, smart and hybrid powers of BRICS aims at helping countries to achieve a new level of integration and attractiveness in the eyes of the international community, and will also allow countries to strengthen their positions.
Vatanyar Yagya
St. Petersburg State University
World politics Department
Roman Chukov
St. Petersburg State University
World politics Department
Nikolay Parfenenok
St. Petersburg State University
World politics Department
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