Russia and Argentina: Parameters of the Strategic Partnership




With the adoption of a new foreign policy Concept of the Russian Federation, approved in 2008, relations with the Latin American region as a whole, and with one of the leading countries of Latin America - Argentina - began to develop incrementally. Both parties have demonstrated a commitment to long-term interaction. The establishment of relations of mutual understanding between leaders of the two countries has played a special role, which is confirmed by the unprecedented intensification of visits at the highest level. Between 2008 and 2015, took place four visits of the presidents of the two countries and were signed about sixty Russian-Argentine documents of different levels, including the Joint Declarations of presidents of relations of strategic partnership and the relations of the comprehensive strategic partnership. The cooperation covered the most important areas, acquired new forms. The task was to converge the integration blocks with the participation of the two countries, to provide the more effective support of each other's positions within international organizations, to join forces in the fight against drug traffic, terrorism and organized crime. The real results were achieved in the field of energy, economy, and military-technical sphere. The 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, celebrated in 2015, made it possible to trace the trajectory of cooperation and summarize the results of the bilateral dialogue, which were highly appreciated by both parties. However, despite the transition to a new stage of relations - relations of a comprehensive strategic partnership, more needs to be done to see real progress and not remain on paper signed agreements and memoranda, overcome challenges, primarily in the area of trade. The Russian leadership expressed concern that mutual trade develops with a positive balance for Argentina. At the same time in the conditions of the sanctions war, the role of Argentina as a supplier of food products to the Russian market is rather important. Its makes the task of increasing the Russian exports even more difficult.


Nailya Yakovleva

Latin American Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Center for Political Studies


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