
Eurasianism as a Non-Western Episteme for Russian Humanities: Interview with Alexander G. Dugin, Dr. of Sc. (Political Sciences, Social Sciences), Professor, Leader of the International Eurasian Movement. Interviewed by M.A. Barannik
Dugin A.G.
Non-Western Peacekeeping as a Factor of a Multipolar World: Outlines of Research Program
Adu Y.N., Bokeriya S.A., Degterev D.A., Mezyaev A.B., Shamarov P.V.
Positive Peace in the Islamic Perspective of International Relations: The Case of Iran’s Foreign Policy
Ranjbar D., Chikrizova O.S.
African International Relations, Genocidal Histories and the Emancipatory Project. Part 2
Campbell H.G.
World Regional Studies as a Research Approach and Scientific School. Interview with Alexei D. Voskressenski, Professor, MGIMO University
African International Relations, Genocidal Histories and the Emancipatory Project. Part 1
Campbell H.G.
Studying IR in the Global South. Interview with Professor Navnita Chadha Behera, University of Delhi, India
Foreign Policy Thinking in Latin America: Concepts, Approaches and Research Directions
Prokhorenko I.L.
ROLE OF GLOBAL SOUTH IN THE MULTIPLEX WORLD Interview with Professor AMITAV ACHARYA, UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance, Distinguished Professor at the School of International Service of American University
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