No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 13
- URL:
The Basic Preconditions and Problems of Formation of the Effective Monetary and Credit Policy
The article analyzes the most significant factors of functioning of international financial system. Among them are the role of United States Dollar as a primary world currency, global economy misbalances and global markets attraction to «bubble» formation. The article discovers the main directions of international financial system improving.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):5-16

The Nature and the Substance of Political Mechanisms of National Interests Generation and Implementation
The article describes political mechanisms of revealing and implementation of national interests as spheres of public policy. These mechanisms are closely connected with five major factors, such as: systematization, causal conditionality, sensibleness, integrity and concrete-historicity, which will co-ordinate various, including not conterminous interests in uniform complete structure. Thus national interests act as result of a choice from several variants of the political decision of this or that question and assume definite purpose achievement.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):17-27

Georgia in the Southern Caucasus Geopolitical Arena
The article considers Georgias place and role in the Southern Caucasus geopolitical arena at the beginning of the 21st century. It examines the priorities of Georgias foreign policy as well as the leading world states course towards the Southern Caucasus including Tbilisi.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):28-35

The Chinese-Russian Investment Cooperation: Current State, Problems and Development Prospects
In process of growth of investments of the Chinese enterprises to Russia variety of problems has gradually come to light. Sometimes there were simply failures to an investment of financial assets. Authors of article have tried to find an explanation and ways of the decision of similar failures. Stimulus of the Chinese direct investments to Russia, working out of system investment strategy can serve by the government of China, at simultaneous acceptance by the Russian government of measures for maintenance of the Chinese enterprises in Russia.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):36-44

Power Vector in Relations between Turkey and Russia: Results and Prospects of Prime Ministers V.V. Putin and T. Ardoganai Meetings
This article analyses the prospects for energy policy and diplomacy of Russia and Turkey, which were planned during the working visits of Russian Prime Minister V. Putin to Ankara on August 6, 2009 and Turkish Premier R.T. Erdogan to Moscow on January 13, 2010. By paying special attention to the domestic factors and actors of energy policy and diplomacy in Turkey, paper examines the limits of founding a mutually beneficial «strategic cooperation» between two states, particularly in the sphere of energy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):45-51

China Relations with the Southeast Asian Nations: Economic and Political Factors (on the Inauguration of the PRC-ASEAN Free Trade Area)
The article considers the relations between the People's Republic of China and the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the impact of political and economic factors on them during various historic periods, offers a periodization of the development of relations between China and the Southeast Asian countries and analyzes the state and the prospects of those relations.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):59-65

The Role of Regional, Geographical and Strategic Factors in Formulation the Turkish Foreign Policy
Article deals with the study and analysis of regional, geographic and strategic factors that influence the Turkish foreign policy. The main task of this article is to show the role of these factors on the development of conceptual basis of Turkish foreign policy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):66-74

Britains Position and Role in the Drafting of Kenyas Constitution
The article focuses on the process and drafting of constitution, which was imposed on Kenya during consultation with its former colony, before it became formally independent. In this sense, the fate of Kenya as a country is repeated many former British colonies.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):75-81

Historical and Cultural Relations between France and the Arabian World
In article historical traditions of interaction of the French Republic with the Arabian world are considered. Stages of development and formation political are analyzed and a cultural contact, the factors rendering on them of influence are defined.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):82-85

Lebanon and its Diaspora: Straight and Reverse Connection
The article considers peculiarities of the Lebanese Diaspora formation and its relationship with the Lebanese society. The analysis of the statistical data which is throwing light on status of the Lebanese diasporas in various parts of the world is carried out.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):86-101

Public Diplomacy Role in Russia Image Formation in the Countries of Asia and Latin America
The article deals with the problem of creating positive image of Russia in the countries of Latin America and also in India and China - leading Asian countries. Alongside with the achievements in economic, political, military spheres the most important for successful reputation of the country is considered to be public diplomacy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):102-108

The authors
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(2):109-110