No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Perspectives of Security Ensuring within the Framework of Barcelona Process
Barcelona process was aimed to become an important mechanism in the realization of ideas of peace, stability and security ensuring in the Mediterranean Sea region. Cooperation in the sphere of security ensuring means openness of the regional states, social and economic reforms, human rights protection. The article deals with the problem of security ensuring by nonmilitary means.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):5-9

Prospects of Conclusion of the First Comprehensive Agreement between the EU and the PRC - the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
The paper examines the issue of renewal of the treaty basis in relations between the EU and China, where the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation signed in 1985 still remains the corner-stone document; determines major problems, which create obstacles to successful ending of the negotiating process, and evaluates prospects of solving these problems in the nearest future. The author makes conclusion, that after rather strained relations during 2008, there are all pre-conditions for parties to reach at last principle understandings in the new year, which will help them to finish formal negotiations, conclude the first comprehensive agreement and thus to upgrade the treaty basis to realities of bilateral relations at the beginning of the 21st century.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):10-18

Special Features OF MERCOSOUR Development at the Beginning of the 21st Century
The article deals with the special features of MERCOSOUR development as one of the most important integration union in Latin America. The author pays attention to the contemporary positioning of the organization in the system of continental international relations.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):19-27

To the Question of the Eurasian Integration
In this article the author analyses the main directions and perspectives of cooperation among member countries of CIS in the framework of Eurasian Organization. The potential of this cooperation is great, but realization of this potential demands considerable efforts from the participants of the process.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):28-34

Institutional Determinants of International Production in Russia
The article analyses institutional determinants of foreign direct investment that substantially influences international production in Russia. Author pays special attention on the following determinants as legal infrastructure, protection property rights, including intellectual property, effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms, and corruption. Author comes to a conclusion that without development of proper institutions Russia would hardly expect dynamic development of international production.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):42-48

Mutual Relations between Russia and EU in Energy Sphere
The article considers the goals, forms and contemporary state of relations between Russia and the European Union in the energy sphere. The author notes that the Russia-EU energy dialogue is carried out in a complex political and economic context, because the financial and economic crises introduce a grave element of uncertainty into the situation in the energy markets.
It is stressed that the energy dialogue between Russia and the EU remains a tool to build the all-European economic space.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):49-54

Foreign Interests of Person, Community and State in Energy Policy of Russia
This article deals with Russian foreign interests in energy sphere. This problem is rather urgent because Russia has declared itself as a world leading gas and oil country at the «G8» meeting in 2006. Russia tries to maintain such position and strengthens its security in this sphere.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):55-62

Armenian-Turkish Relations in the Context of European Integration of Turkey
This article examines the question of Turkish European integration and the influence of problems of Armenian-Turkish relations on this process. Author analyses EU official documents on the problem of Armenian genocide recognition and settlement of bilateral relations.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):63-70

USA Policy in the Middle East during George Bush
The article deals with the analysis of political and economic situation in the Middle East during George Bush governance. The author examines crisis phenomena and development prospects. He estimates the role of the USA in the region as well as the role of some Arabian countries.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):71-78

P-H. Spaak Activities in the Sphere of European Integration
In this article the activities of Paul-Henri Spaak, a Belgian politician, are examined. Mr. Spaak is well-known as initiator of postwar European integration. He was one of the originators of the Council of Europe, participated in development of European Coal and Steel Community project, headed the committee, that elaborated Treaties of Rome about European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Community. Owing to his active work at European association, in 1950s P-H. Spaak was surnamed «Mr. Europe».
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):79-86

The authors
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2009;(2):87-88