US-China Economic Confrontation: Ideology, Chronology, Meaning

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In summer 2018 the United States launched a trade war against China. Before that, there was a chance that both sides would find a compromise, some hopes were still in place during bilaterial negotiations in May. However, new US tariffs on import from China were imposed in July and August with the total of $50 billion. Beijing responded proportionally. September brought another round of US tariffs worth $200 billion. The successful economic growth of China leads to the transformation of the world economic space, where the leading positions are still occupied by the countries of the West. The new US administration, fearing economic competition, announced a policy of containing China. In this case, Washington is going to violate the existing rules of international trade. The tension in the economic relations of the United States and China is growing. The authors look into the history, ideology and details of the conflict between two major powerhouses of the global economy. They try to investigate how both countries will be affected by the emerging trade war, which is also challenging the whole system of international trade regulation. Besides, the conflict between Washington and Beijing is understood as a fundamental shift in the world economy and politics where rising powers take the lead in globalization. For the first time in the history of Sino-American relations economic tensions between the two sides have reached such a scale. Analysis of their consequences far exceeds the standard methods of assessment of trade policy measures.

About the authors

Andrei Olegovich Vinogradov

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, School of Asian Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Leading Researcher of the Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russian-Chinese Relations of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexander Igorevich Salitsky

Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relation of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Center for Development and Modernization Problems of the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relation, Russian Academy of Sciences

Nelli Kimovna Semenova

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


PhD in Political Science, Senior Research Associate of the Economic Research Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


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Copyright (c) 2019 Vinogradov A.O., Salitsky A.I., Semenova N.K.

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