No 2 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 25
- URL:
Evaluation of the reliability of the water and sanitation pipelines in the cities of Iraq
The results of research and evaluation of the reliability of the water and sanitation pipelines in the cities of Iraq are presented. It is shown that in a very limited logistical and economical opportunity, it is necessary to optimise the programme of modernisation of networks with the parameters of reliability, introducing in its implementation adjustments in the timing and methods of implementing the action plan.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):5-10

Buildings on the basis on the light metal construction
The data of field investigations of the distribution of temperature field in the cladding panels sandwich light wall fence. These studies suggest the presence of a temperature difference in the interface and the surface of the panel.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):18-22

Climatic and technological influence for constructive safety of concrete construction
Research information of hardening of concrete in extreme conditions is considered, which exert destructive influence for durability of concrete in surface layer, in area of placement of main reinforcement, and constructive safety of concrete construction.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):38-42

Reliability of technological systems of the monolithic reinforced concrete wall construction
The results of research of operational reliability of the process of construction of monolithic reinforced concrete walls in the inventory folding large formwork are presented. It is established that the main factor in reducing the infallibility of industrial equipment is the careless attitude of the production staff.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):43-47

Energy appreciation of employment of solar energy for heat-processing of concrete products
Thermophysical processes are considered, taking place in concrete during heat-processing it with employment of solar energy. The method of appreciation of reasonability of employment of solar energy for heat-processing of concrete products is given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):48-52

Non-stationary currents in riverbeds with overflow barriers
The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental research which allow to give engineering-based recommendations about determination of wave characteristics in interaction with local side narrowing of the riverbed and improve methods of calculation and designing of hydraulic and engineering objects, water supply and drainage system.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):62-66

Aspects of finding the minimum velocity of self-purification in storm sever networks
Aspects of finding the minimum rate of self-purification in storm sever networks are considered. The mechanism of solid particles movement caused by turbulence flow is considered. Performed analysis of storm sever networks building regulation in different countries has shown, that it is necessary to set clearer criterions for determination of runoff water minimum velocity in pipes. Results of the experimental research of using Shields and Galilee parameters for finding limits between different forms of solid particles movement caused by fluid flow are presented.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):67-75

Strength analysis of composite shear walls under explosion loadings
The results of computer modeling of the behavior of shear walls of a building under the action of explosion loads are presented in this paper. The modeling was performed with the ANSYS software. Comparative analysis of two types of shear walls is carried out: ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls and composite shear walls with the external reinforcement of high-strength low-alloy steel plate.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):76-81

Analysis of monolitic reinforced concrete floor slab with hinged support along one edge by the limit equilibrium method
The influence of the displacement of the cracks at the lower face of monolithic reinforced concrete floor slab during formation of linear plastic hinges is discussed in the paper. The slab is fixed at three edges and has hinge support along the fourth edge.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):82-84

Forming the surfaces on fourangle curved plan
The article concerns the questions of forming of the modified Coon's surfaces with inclined plane or space curved support lines on four angle plan. Using the inclined curved lines as support lines for construction of modified Coon's surfaces allows to receive many new forms of space constructions. There regards questions of erecting of the space lines on given curved four angle plan. There shown drawings of modified Coon's surfaces made with the help of 'MathCad' system.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):85-90

Сalculation of the stability of eccentrically сompressed reinforced concrete structures reconstructed buildings
The results of experimental researches on load-carrying ability determination of eccentrically compressed columns of medium and great flexibility were analysed and generalized. Test procedure of the load-carrying ability of the eccentrically compressed columns for condition of strength and stability taking into consideration the real properties of the materials was improved.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):96-103

To the question of the potential capacity оf the labor market
This paper investigates the capacity of the labor market in developing transitive economy, defines the concept of carrying capacity of the labor force and proposes a method for determining it. In concrete terms the various segments of the labor market in Tajikistan is set the size of the carrying capacity of these markets.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):104-112

Synthesis of control system - problem of millennium
The problem of synthesis of control system is considered. It is shown that classical statement of the problem does not provide satisfactory quality of control. The corrected statement of the problem where solution guaranties high quality of control for any initial conditions is proposed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):113-125

Influence on polarization of samples polivinilchloride engine oil components
It has been studied how semi-synthetic motor oil affects the polarization of polyvinyl chloride samples. It has been defined that the oil components influence the process of polyvinyl chloride polarization. We have showed that the input and exhaust motor oil contains polar components which bring to the density growth of the polyvinyl chloride charge being guided by the electric field direction. The injected charges initiate a chemical interaction of oil components. The water higher rate containing in the exhaust oil is reflected in the parameters of charge density of the samples, as well as of the activation energy of the electrically active defects.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):138-143

Adsorption of pyridine and phenol from organic-mineral mixture by the acide-treated activated carbons
Adsorption of phenol and pyridine from organic-mineral wastewater with the help of acide-treated activated carbons has been investigated. It was shown that the modifying of adsorbents increases adsorption of organic components. Adsorption capacity change depends on the activated carbon nature.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):144-148

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):149-152

Trebovaniya k stat'yam v zhurnal «VESTNIK RUDN».seriya «Inzhenernye issledovaniya»
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(2):153-154