No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 19
- URL:

Measurement Accuracy Assurance of Visual System Neurons Receptive Fields Pass Band
Measurement method of visual system neurons receptive fields pass band by measuring light flickers period with subsequent frequency calculation is proposed. Results of the experimental studies that confirmed measurement accuracy increasing are presented.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):10-16

Robust stabilization of nonlinear object with SDC-parameterization
Since the mid-90's, State-Dependent Riccati Inequality (SDRI) strategies have emerged as general design methods that provide a systematic and effective means of designing nonlinear controllers for a robust stabilization. In this paper, a new expression of free parameters to completely express the SDC form is proposed. This form is using to design linear robust model of nonlinear system and then to synthesis the controller with constant parameters. Finally, example to verify the advantage method is given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):17-25

The parallel realization of genetic algorithm on the base of network operator method for the task of two-tier inverted pendulum stabilisation Problem
It is considered a problem of two-tired inverted pendulum stabilization. Pareto-region for two functional is found by using network operator and parallel realization of genetic algorithm. Every point of that region gives a solution - state vector feedback control function. It is presented simulation results for one point of Pareto-region.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):26-36

Multi criteria optimization of mechatronic system based on equilibrium-arbitrary compromise
This article considers a multiply connected mechatronic system of the telescope drive that consists of three subsystems - mechanical, executive and computer in conditions of structural inconsistency and uncertainty. 2-step algorithm of multi criteria optimization based on equilibrium-arbitrary compromise is used to calculate parameters of this system. This algorithm is based on optimization control methods of multi object multi criteria systems and stable efficient decisions and compromises.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):45-50

Identification of logical reasoning system by network operator method
The problem of logical control synthesis is considered. It is necessary to construct a logical function on the basis of truth table. The method of network operator was used to solve the problem. Numerical examples for binary and three-value logic are given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):51-59

Development of parallel algorithm of data processing in multiprocessor systems on examples of tasks of dynamics of industrial manipulation robot
In this article the model of the multiprocessing system which allows to significantly speed up the implementation of modular algorithms for solving of direct and reverse tasks of dynamics of the industrial manipulation robot is considered. A method for the implementation of these algorithms on the established structure of the processor with shared memory is offered. Development of specialized multiprocessor field used to accelerate calculations. Produced simulation of the hardware-software complex for the problems of dynamics and estimations of an overall performance of parallel algorithm are received.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):60-72

Optimal control of multi-object multi-criteria systems, structural synthesis and hierarchical equilibration in intellectual control systems
Methodology of optimization of structural and functional complex control systems in typical form of multi-level hierarchical structure with multi-subsystem multi-criteria systems of regulation, control and decision making as a level is proposed. Methods of structural synthesis of optimal functional and technical habits of hierarchical distributed control system are formed within this framework. Definition of generalized control of multilevel automated control system is given. Procedure of optimization of the generalized control on the basis of generalization and algorithmization of hierarchical equilibrium in multilevel systems is developed. Results of use of approaches in problems under conditions of initial structural inconsistency, conflict situation and uncertainty are given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):73-78

Development of structure of intellectual decision support system of operating control at primary oil refining
In the paper describe basic problems and requirements to development of intellectual decision support system (IDSS) at operating control by processes of primary oil refining. Is developed the structure of IDSS, which ensures the implementation of the basic functions of decision support in operating control of complex continuous processes.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):79-87

Development of the intellectual interface for operating control in primary oil refining
This article describes the basic requirements to development intellectual operator interface (IOI) for the intellectual decision support system (IDSS) with using distributed control system at operating control by processes of primary oil refining. Considered the basic functions of the intelligent operator interface to the requirements and characteristics of the operating control of technological processes of the Atmospheric Distillation and Vacuum Distillation in different modes of their operation and modification of the IOI, depending on the skill level of operators.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):88-93

Method of logical network operator for urban traffic control synthesis problems
The problem of maximal capacity of traffic at the rush hours is considered. The control is performed by adjusting the traffic lights phases at intersections. The mathematical model of traffic flow is given. The model is described by the oriented graph with changeable configuration. The optimal control problem for traffic flows is formulated as a problem of discrete dynamic optimization. To solve the problem the genetic algorithm and the method of logical network operator are used.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):94-102

Comparative Analyses of Russian and Western Top-Management
To start innovation and modernization Russia needs to research and find out characteristics and special features of its CEO and either to learn or reject the Western experience. The main difference between Russian and Western management lies in their formation which determines their approaches to business activity. Russians have been concentrating their efforts on destruction of the previous values and basis, while Western management has been doing its best in business and welfare creation.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):103-108

Knowledge Management innovation technology to organization
In work is considered base concept enterprise XXI age - management knowledges, which presents itself innovation able to meet competition technology. The Considered model, in which management knowledges is reduced to problem of the spreading the knowledges inwardly enterprises.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):125-127

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):128-130

Trebovaniya k stat'yam v zhurnal «VESTNIK RUDN».seriya «Inzhenernye issledovaniya»
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(4):131-132