Vol 22, No 3 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/engineering-researches/issue/view/1515
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8143-2021-22-3
Full Issue
Methodology for managing the flows of target information in the remote sensing space system. Part 3. Application results
The article focuses on the practical implementation of the proposed methodology for managing target information flows in the Earth remote sensing (ERS) space system. Proposed is the description of architecture and order of application of software-mathematical models of the complex, which implements the previously presented model of the arrangement of target information flows and provides the possibility of determining composition and characteristics of the system, that includes satellite, ground receiving complexes and communication channels there between, generation of scenarios of operation with ERS data, generation of input information flows, calculation of the distribution of target information from various types of ERS satellite by components of the ERS space system, visualization of calculation results and preservation of the obtained results. This makes it possible to optimize the distribution of information processing processes according to customer requests, using both scalar and vector criteria, automate the formation of a plan for the distribution of customer requests processing among system nodes, assess the current state of infrastructure in terms of the capabilities of processing customer requests and identify possible problems in the future.

The methodology of using multicriteria analysis methods choosing the optimal architecture of the GLONASS space segment
The project presents a methodology for choosing the optimal architecture using, as an example, global navigation satellite system, namely its space segment. Several architectures of the GLONASS system were taken as an example for testing the methodology. The usage of traditional methods of multi-criteria analysis in this case is too way difficult due to the presence of a large number of particular navigation tasks, that often put forward contradictory and uncertain requirements for their resolution, the presence of a large number of private criteria, the need to involve a large number of decision makers (DM), and as a consequence, a conflict of interests, difficulty in setting weights, determining preferences, etc. The confident judgment method was used to implement the task. The system of private criteria was structured, taking into account the requirements of specific narrow segments, and their preferences were formed. After that, tables were built for each structure, according to the required number of criteria and for three different particular tasks, as well as to normalize and collapse the criteria for each task into one criterion. Then a set of Pareto-rational solutions and a rating of alternatives were formed. The final appearance of the system satisfied the requirements imposed by the consumer segment. Keyword

Argumentation of introducing a discrete-continuous topology in the interests of algorithmization of complex functioning processes
The main aim of the research is to show and prove the necessity of introducing a new, discrete-continuous topological structure to describe complicated systems and processes of their functioning. Currently, there are two topological structures: continuous and discrete. At the same time, there are functional approaches in order to describe complicated systems and processes of their functioning, based on continuous topology. Until now, it has not been possible to build full functionality for the design of complicated technical objects. Therefore, the functional approach does not fully correspond to the increasingly complicated tasks of our time. The introduction of discrete-continuous topology is especially important for the exploring and modeling of complicated systems and processes of their functioning. In order to prove this fact, the present study describes the properties of complicated processes using examples of the flight process and the design process. The examination of these processes, as the most complicated, proves that the complicated systems and processes are topological spaces with metric, so they can be represented in the form of an oriented progressively bounded graph. Also, it proves the topological invariants of complicated systems and the processes of functioning. Presentation of the complicated processes in the form of a directed graph allows getting shorter path to their algorithmicization and programming, which is necessary for existing practice. In addition, the presentation of a complicated process as a directed graph will allow using the apparatus of graph theory for such purpose and will significantly expand the capabilities of programmers.

Analytical surfaces for ship hulls
The choice of optimal shape of ship hull surface is one of the main problems of ship architects and designs. A choice of the form is based on empirical formulae or on intuition of designers. In the article a method of determination of explicit algebraic equations of theoretical shape of ship hull with three main cross-sections given in advance and coinciding with the design waterline, the midship section, and with the main buttock line is given. The forms of the lines in the main cross-sections are chosen from conditions taken in advance. These surfaces are called hydrodynamic. A method is illustrated for three threes of main cross-sections of the ship hulls, i.e. nine hydrodynamic surfaces were constructed. All algebraic equations were converted to parametrical form for comfort of computer modelling. With their help, all nine ship surfaces proposed for the introduction were visualized. Having changed constants containing in the surface equations, i.e. correcting the forms of three main geometric parameters of ship hull, one can select the most rational shape of hull surface for the first approach. Further, it is possible to begin planning parallel middle bodies or to combine bow and stern extremities of a ship from different fragments of algebraic surfaces but with the same midship sections. In a paper, only geometrical problems of design of theoretical hull shape are described.

Thermal deformation of a long elastic strip
A general method is proposed for the formulation and solution of temperature problems of the theory of elasticity for thin-walled bodies for a given temperature distribution with the preservation of the order of differential equations and the fulfilment of all boundary conditions. The elasticity relations, taking into account temperature deformations, are transformed to a form that allows, in accordance with the Saint-Venant-Picard-Banach method, to perform iterative calculation of all the looking for unknowns of the problem. The procedure for constructing a solution is reduced to replacing four differential equations of the first order of the original system of elasticity theory with four corresponding integral Picard equations with a small factor of relative thinness. Seven unknowns of the original problem calculated by direct integration are expressed in terms of four basic unknowns. The fulfilment of the boundary conditions on the long sides of the strip leads to the solution of four ordinary differential equations for slowly varying and rapidly changing components of the main unknowns. Slowly changing components describe the classical stress-strain state. The rapidly changing ones determine the edge effects at the points of discontinuity of the slowly changing classical solution and the fulfilment of the unsatisfied boundary conditions due to the lowering of the order of the differential equations based on the Kirchhoff hypothesis. In the general case, the solution is represented in the form of asymptotic series in the small parameter of thinness with coefficients in the form of power series in the transverse coordinate. The presentation is illustrated by examples of warping of a free strip and of the occurrence of stresses and displacements of only the edge effect in a strip rigidly clamped at the ends with a linear temperature distribution along the height.

Mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of the host rocks of the Pervaya Rudnaya Gorka Fe-skarn ore occurrence
The article discusses the mineralogical and petrographic features of the metamorphic formations of the poorly studied and promising the Pervaya Rudnaya Gorka Fe-scarn ore occurrence (Kongor ore region), localized in the Voikar, and the typification of host rocks by mineral composition. In order to clarify the ore-forming affiliation of the Pervaya Rudnaya Gorka ore occurrence, the comparative analysis was carried out with the reference to well-studied Novogodnee-Monto Au-Fe-skarn deposit (Toupugol-Khanmeishor ore region), which showed similar mineral composition, structural and texture features and geological structure of ore objects. According to the results of studies, a close composition of the enclosing volcanic-sedimentary rocks, in particular the skarn formations, containing the gold-sulfide-magnetite mineralization at the Novogodnee-Monto ore deposit; connection with the same intrusive complexes (Sob’, Kongor, and Musyur) and faults of the north-western direction. Using the microscopic method of research, the changes in the propylite formation area at the Pervaya Rudnaya Gorka ore occurrence, indicating a large-scale regional pre-ore metasomatism, were first identified and described in detail. The following metasomatic zonation (from the inner to the outer zone): actinolite + epidote → chlorite + actinolite + epidote → chlorite + epidote was been established at the ore field. Based on the obtained research results, it is concluded that the poorly studied territories of the Polar Urals are promising.