Analysis of the influence of cutting conditions on the roughness of the surface layer when machining a composite material based on thermally еxpanded graphite
- Authors: Mikheenko I.S.1, Smelik A.A.1, Yegorov S.A.1, Chernyak V.V.1
- Military Innovative Technopolis ERA
- Issue: Vol 22, No 2 (2021)
- Pages: 162-171
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The current trend of replacing metal alloys with composite materials in the manufacture of various types of plain bearings, sealing elements of Assembly units, anti-friction bushings, and other machine parts is very promising for the development of many industries. However, in the manufacture of composite material products by modern methods, such as extrusion, pressing, and injection molding, various types of defects characteristic of these types of processing occur, resulting in the required parameters of the quality of the working surfaces of parts are not provided. This leads to the need for additional mechanical processing the quality of which largely depends on the reliability and durability of the functioning of parts and mechanisms. The article analyzes the main parameters that affect the quality of the surface obtained during turning for metal alloys, as well as for composite materials. The method of obtaining blanks by pressing from the material under consideration was developed, the technological equipment necessary for the research was designed and manufactured, a plan was developed for conducting a full-factor experiment with the creation of a model in the Mathcad program, and an active experiment was carried out to determine the influence of cutting mode parameters on surface roughness. Given the results of the study on the basis of which conclusions about the dependence of various cutting parameters on the quality of the surface layer, defined by the nuances of turning the considered composite material, practical recommendations that will positively affect the timing and success of implementation of fabrication of parts from this material.
About the authors
Ivan S. Mikheenko
Military Innovative Technopolis ERA
Author for correspondence.
Operator оf the 4th Scientific Company
41 Pionersky Ave., Anapa, 353456, Russian FederationAnatoly A. Smelik
Military Innovative Technopolis ERA
Junior Researcher of the 4th Scientific Company
41 Pionersky Ave., Anapa, 353456, Russian FederationSemen A. Yegorov
Military Innovative Technopolis ERA
Operator оf the 4th Scientific Company
41 Pionersky Ave., Anapa, 353456, Russian FederationVladislav V. Chernyak
Military Innovative Technopolis ERA
Operator of the 4th Scientific Company
41 Pionersky Ave., Anapa, 353456, Russian FederationReferences
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