Methodology for managing the flows of target information in the remote sensing space system Part 2. Interrelated mathematical models systems formation
- Authors: Starkov A.V.1, Emelyanov A.А.2, Grishantseva L.A.2, Zhukovskaya K.I.2, Morozov A.A.2, Trishin A.A.1
- Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
- Russian Space Systems, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
- Issue: Vol 22, No 2 (2021)
- Pages: 148-161
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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In the second part of the series of articles, the issues of the systemic organization of mathematical models for solving the problem of controlling the flows of target information in the Earth remote sensing space system are considered. A description of the interrelated mathematical models of the orbital constellation as components of the information system, the main task of which is to survey ground objects and the formation of the initial volume of information for its further processing, is presented. To calculate the time of servicing the request by the space segment, the following methods of formation are proposed: a model of the evolution of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft orbit; model for forecasting possible spacecraft correction intervals to maintain nominal orbital parameters; model for forecasting possible time intervals for on / off cycles of observation equipment; model for forecasting possible time intervals for dumping the received information to the information reception points. When calculating the cost of servicing a single request from the orbital complex, both the cost of servicing one spacecraft per unit of time and the cost of processing a single request from the ground complex were taken into account. In conclusion, a generalized form of representation of the target information flow model of the Earth remote sensing space system is proposed as an interconnected sequence of functions for changing the amount of information when an appropriate processing process (traffic change functions) is applied to it. General approaches to solving the optimization problem are considered.
About the authors
Alexander V. Starkov
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 5242-3413
Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences
4 Volokolamskoe Shosse, 125993, Moscow, Russian FederationAndrey А. Emelyanov
Russian Space Systems, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
SPIN-code: 4484-1479
Head of the Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring, Russian Space Systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences
b. 51, h.25, Decabristov St, 127490, Moscow, Russian FederationLyubov A. Grishantseva
Russian Space Systems, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
SPIN-code: 9940-8756
Head of the Sector of the Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring, Russian Space Systems, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
b. 51, h.25, Decabristov St, 127490, Moscow, Russian FederationKsenia I. Zhukovskaya
Russian Space Systems, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
SPIN-code: 4805-5960
Research Engineer of the 1St Category of the Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
b. 51, h.25, Decabristov St, 127490, Moscow, Russian FederationAlexander A. Morozov
Russian Space Systems, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
Research Engineer of the 3rd category of the Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
b. 51, h.25, Decabristov St, 127490, Moscow, Russian FederationAlexey A. Trishin
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Student of the Department of Information and Control Systems of Aircraft
4 Volokolamskoe Shosse, 125993, Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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