Determination of the rational constructive form of cellular communication towers
- Authors: Golikov A.V.1, Mikhalchonok E.A.1
- Volgograd State Technical University
- Issue: Vol 20, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 163-173
- Section: Mechanical engineering and machine science
- URL:
- DOI:
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The need for reliable supports for locating and maintaining the equipment of cellular opera-tors is increasing every year. The classic version of the supports are lattice towers. At present, optimization of the parameters of lattice towers, which is one of the ways to improve the efficiency of their design and construction, is of great importance. The purpose of the work is chosen definition of a rational constructive form of lattice cellular communication towers. In the work, the calculation and analysis of the tower supports of a prismatic and pyramidal form are made with varying basic geometric parameters of the structure and the ratio of parameters between them. To create basic dependencies, numerical modeling methods are used. According to the results of a critical analysis of the literature on the calculation of lattice supports of high-rise buildings, the absence of recommended optimal values of the geometric parameters of structures and the relationship between them was established. The stress-strain state of the design models of lattice towers of a prismatic and pyramidal shape was assessed with variation of the main overall geometric parameters of the structures. To achieve the goal of finding a rational structural form of lattice supports, two rationalization criteria have been tested and applied - the simultaneous fulfillment of the requirements of both limiting states and minimization of the mass of the structure. The results of the study of lattice tower supports are presented in dimensionless parameters, which can be applied by the engineer when assigning the overall dimensions of the structure at the initial design stage.
About the authors
Alexander V. Golikov
Volgograd State Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Associate Professor of the Department of Building Construction, Foundations and Reliability of Structures, Institute of Architecture and Construction, PhD in Technical Sciences
1 Akademicheskaya St., Volgograd, 400074, Russian FederationElena A. Mikhalchonok
Volgograd State Technical University
master student of the Department of Building Construction, Foundations and Reliability of Structures, Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
1 Akademicheskaya St., Volgograd, 400074, Russian FederationReferences
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