- Authors: Semenov AB1, Muranov AN1, Kutsbakh AA1, Semenov BI1
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National research university of technology)
- Issue: Vol 18, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 407-425
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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Contemporary and future-oriented mechanical engineering requires the use of a new set of methods for processing, manufacturing, changing the state of materials implemented in the production process. In particular, the level of modern and prospective blank part production industries is largely related to the development of injection molding of structured multiphase materials - powder and granule technologies of a new generation. In this article, such widely used by foreign industry modern injection molding technologies of structured multiphase materials as the powder injection molding (PIM) technology and the thixoforming technology, are considered. A description of specific rheological effects that determined the fundamental possibility of the appearance and practical application of these technologies is given, and some of the most relevant physico-mathematical models of rheological behavior of structured multiphase materials are considered. In addition, the article demonstrates the efficiency of implementation and high potential for development of powder injection molding technology (PIM) for mass production of small-sized shaped parts in Russian Federation. The need for the development of educational programs and standards, including special disciplines and courses aimed at training technical professionals not only in the field of present commonly used technologies, but also such promising technologies as powder injection molding (PIM) and thixoforming, was noted as w
About the authors
A B Semenov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National research university of technology)
Author for correspondence.
Alexey B. Semenov, Cand. Tech. Sci., Senior lecturer of the department MT-5 “Casting technologies” at Bauman MSTU. Research interests: foundry alloys; special methods of casting; thixoforming; powder injection molding technology
2-nd Baumanskaya str., 5/1, Moscow, Russia, 105005A N Muranov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National research university of technology)
Alexander N. Muranov, post-graduate student of the department SM-13 “Rocket-space composite structures” at Bauman MSTU. Research interests: technology, mechanics and physical chemistry of composite materials; powder injection molding technology.
2-nd Baumanskaya str., 5/1, Moscow, Russia, 105005A A Kutsbakh
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National research university of technology)
Anatoly A. Kutsbakh, master student of the department SM-13 “Rocket-space composite structures” at Bauman MSTU. Research interests: computer simulation; composite materials; powder injection molding technology.
2-nd Baumanskaya str., 5/1, Moscow, Russia, 105005B I Semenov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National research university of technology)
Boris I. Semenov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the department SM-13 “Rocket-space composite structures” at Bauman MSTU. Research interests: mechanics and technology of metal matrix composite materials; material science; thixoforming; powder injection molding technology.
2-nd Baumanskaya str., 5/1, Moscow, Russia, 105005References
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