- Authors: Japarov V.H1
- North-Caucasian state technological University
- Issue: Vol 18, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 149-156
- Section: Innovative use of mineral resources
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/engineering-researches/article/view/16010
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8143-2017-18-1-149-156
- Retraction date: 08.11.2019
- Retraction reasons description:
The reason for the article retraction is detection of large-scale borrowings from the article: Shulgaty L.P., Khetagurova T.G., Shelkunova T.G., Cheldiyeva Z.K. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF MINING SOUTH RUSSIA. Scientific bulletin of the Southern Institute of Management. 2016. No 1. P. 8-13.
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The urgency of the problem of the survival of the mining industry due to the fact that they are in the new economic policy without government involvement and investment can ensure economic prosperity as the mining and processing of the remaining mineral reserves uneconomic.The purpose of work consists in justification of diversification of the technology field development on the basis of involvement in the production of non-conforming raw materials and processing his unconventional methods of leaching and mechanical activation.Methods. The possibility of extraction of metals from sub-standard raw material is confirmed by field and laboratory experiments, including industrial.Results. Made a critical analysis of the contribution of scientists Ossetia to the development of scientific and technical progress of mining technology. The conditions of recovery of the mining and ore - processing production in the mining region on the example of the Republic of North Ossetia- Alania. For the deposits of Sadonsky ore province and their counterparts recommended combined scheme design, including elements of technology with the laying of the cavities hardening mixtures, underground and heap leaching of poor and off-balance ores and the leaching of tailings with activation in a disintegrator.In conclusion, it is concluded that the conversion of the mining and processing industries is an instrument of economic and social problems of depressed mountain region.
About the authors
Vyacheslav H Japarov
North-Caucasian state technological University
Author for correspondence.
Email: v.i.golik@mail.ru
candidate of technical science, assotiated professor
Nikolaeva str., 44, Vladikavkaz, Russia, 362021References
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