- Issue: Vol 18, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 115-124
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We consider a control system synthesis problem for the small group of autonomous robots with state constraints and several possible initial conditions. The main control task for team of robots is to move the robots out of some current position to the specified terminal position without colliding with each other. Typically, the control synthesis for the group of robots consists of two phases: stabilization of the robot with respect to some point of the state space and the design of optimal trajectories. The trajectories must ensure that the robots move from the initial states to certain states of the terminal set without collisions. To avoid collision, the control system uses priorities based, for example, on a distance between the robot and its end position. Since there are phase constraints, ordinary stabilization of robots cannot ensure the safe movement of robots from different initial conditions to the terminal positions. The paper presents our new approach to solving the stabilization problem with phase constraints by multi-layer network operator. We show an example of synthesis of control for the group of four robots.
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