No 3 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Formation of International Migration System in Post-Soviet Eurasia
The author considers the post-soviet states within the frames of the international migration systems concept. She proves that the growing interstate cooperation between the CIS countries in the field of migration management is to be based on understanding of the post-soviet territory as a single migration system connected by numerous historical, social, economic, political, demographic, ethno-cultural, and geographical factors. This approach is proposed as a basis to improve coordination between national migration policies in the states of the region as well as to develop a common regional migration management concept.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):5-13

International Links of Regions as a Part of Government Regulation of Regional Economic Development
In the paper the experience of Perm region in cooperation with government and commercial organization from more than 80 countries as well as with international financial institutions is analyzed. The author determines main problems which constrains development of international cooperation and describes the role of a regional government in developing international links.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):14-21

Socio-Economic Aspects Determined Labour Market's Conditions in South Federal District Regions
Political situation and social-economic development of South Caucasus regions attract particular interest in Russian modern history. Some questions influenced upon formation and development of labour market in UFO are considered in this article. Regional demographic development analysis is given. The characteristic of factor stipulated for migration processes in UFO is given. The main courses for state region social-economic politic realization in order to provide full employment ant migration processes regulation are suggested.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):22-32

Problems of quantitative analysis of international division of labair in diamond complex
The article deals with the issue of international division of labour (IDL), notably, the search of universal indicator, which could help determine the extent of country's participation in IDL. In the article author proposes three categories of indicators that reflect different aspects of IDL, concerning countries participating diamond industry. The third category of indicators is investigated most carefully.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):33-41

Prospects of Syria's Integration in the World Economy
Syria cooperates with many international organizations and aspires to become the member of WTO. For this purpose it is necessary to solve set of political, legal and economic problems. Analysis of them shows, that the negative motives under the introduction more convincingly than positive.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):42-49

The Foundation and Institutional Mechanism for Cooperation between Russia and China
In the article the author examines the question of the basis of the mechanism of cooperation between Russia and China. Cooperation between the two countries has passed two stages, but now it has become more strengthening and promising. The signing of the Treaty on Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China and the supplementary agreement between Russia and China on the Russian-2004 years, once again stressed the belief chapter of cooperation and the peoples of two countries, especially in the field of economy and trade. Cooperation between the two countries has great potential and prospects.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):50-59

Financial Resources as an Object of Financial Relations of Enterprises
Different approaches to the definition of the essence of financial resources of enterprises existing in the theory and practice of financial management are analyzed in the article. Considering the financial resources as a more extensive concept in relation to the concept of money, the authors offer their definition of financial resources of the enterprises, devoting their main substantive signs and justify the order of their calculation.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):60-66

Transfer Pricing in the Context of the Center Responsibility Management: Pro and Contra
In this article authors try to analyze the main advantages and disadvantages of using of dual (transfer) pricing in contemporary business practice. During the analysis of the theme, touched upon this article, the following logic was used: the category of «dual (transfer) pricing» was examined as from the point of conceptual, so as from the point of empirical (business-example) views. Then two aspects of its main ways of using are broached: one is for estimation economic effectiveness of company's departments, the other is for making of decision about transference of some functions to the external contract, and the influence of internal payments on the financial accounts. On the basis of examined facts the conclusion about effectiveness and restrictions of using of dual (transfer) pricing was made.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):67-73

Segmentation of the market of restaurant service
The restaurant business is an integral part and the perspective direction of development of social service and tourism. But one can notice in its development any irregularity. Hard competition and high rent on immovable property make it complicated any actions within the market. In regions the weak link in this sphere is the service culture that is not up to the level. That is why it is underlined in the article the necessity of segmentation of Restaurant Services with the aim of stowing representative and less attractive voids.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):74-81

Econometric Analysis of Interdependence between Economic Growth and Unemployment in China (1978-2006)
Econometric analysis of interdependence between economic growth and unemployment in China 1978-2006 is described. It is shown that Okun's law is not valid for China's transition period. Unemployment increments have no statistically significant influence on GDP growth rate. But the rate of GDP growth does influence increments in unemployment with one year lag. Regression equation of this influence is presented.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):82-94

Ecological-economic Assessment of SDW Gathering Organization in Modern Cities
In the article the authors analyze the problem of SDW gathering in cities. This problem has several aspects, including social, economic and ecological ones. The authors research different ways of SDW management to make the process of gathering better. To assess competitive ability the authors offer the results of research in this field and universal methods of ecological-economic effectiveness estimation of a new industrial good, European container for SDW gathering, using (European standard EN-840) in Cheryomushky district of Moscow. The authors demonstrate a complex assessment of ecological-economic effectiveness of the offered industrial good.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):95-101

Transnationalization of Higher Education Structures
The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern international sector of higher education. The main attention is paid to new organizational and administrative structures in the world economy, evaluation of Russian system of higher education and its place among other countries. The current investigation confirms the necessity for further development of national project «Education».
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):102-109

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):110-111

For the Authors of Vestnik, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2008;(3):112-113