Institutional approaches to the integration of the national economy of Uzbekistan in the global investment market
- Authors: Ziyadullaev US1
- Tashkent State Economic University
- Issue: Vol 26, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 125-139
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article shows the importance of the external economic factor for the modernization of the national economies of the new independent States, including the issues of attracting foreign investment and loans, the import of high technology, export as a source of income for modernization of the economy. Described various activities of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at the formation of the institutional framework of integration of national economy into the global investment market, including mechanisms monetary, fiscal, and monetary regulation, stimulation of growth of national export potential of the Republic aimed at improving the investment climate and business environment in the country. It is particularly highlighted measures to further institutionbuilding aimed at improving the legislative and normative base, development of infrastructure for the protection and support of the business sector of the sector of the national economy, including small and medium-sized businesses. A set of measures to reform and improve the performance of a number of state governance structures, including regional bodies, which will significantly improve the investment and business climate in the country, to attract foreign investment in the processes of modernization of production and technological potential of the Republic on the basis of integration of national economies into the global investment market.
About the authors
U S Ziyadullaev
Tashkent State Economic University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer
Islama Karimova str., 49, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100138References
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