No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 17
- URL:

Ecological-geomorphologic profile of Lesnye Koshki island in the delta of the Northern Dvina river
The analysis of ecological-floristic and some of the geomorphological features of islands in delta of the Northern Dvina river is executed. The influence of a microrelief of the island on the projective cover degree of dominant species is established.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):13-19

Features of the mineral composition ash dump - products technogenesis
In the process of anthropogenic lithogenesis arrays formed tumors, which include ash dump. Mineral and chemical composition of ash and slag varies over time, which determines the migration of aquatic macro- and micro leads to environmental pollution.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):20-24

Ecological risk assessment for the Protva river ecosystem in the vicinity of the water treatment plant
This paper introduces a new technology of ecological status of river ecosystems assessment in the presence of man-made burden of treatment facilities. The technology of ecological risk assessment includes:identifing the referent of the biota and its response to pollution; the construction of dose response determination based on these values of critical loads on the ecosystem. The final stage of this process is the calculation by using GIS technology magnitude of risk and its comparison with the acceptable values. It is shown that in a selected area of the river ecological risk is not acceptable (risk > 10%, while acceptable risk ≤ 5%). This implies a disappointing forecast for the functioning of the ecosystem over the next 50-100 years.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):25-31

Biospheric functions of the cryolithozone of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province in industrial development
The cryolithozone of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province is a part of the Northern Euroasian centre of stabilization of the environment and its conservation is the main condition of the sustainable development of the region. On the basis of calculations performed for a number of long-developed deposits, it is shown that in case of active exploitation of all the proven hydrocarbon reserves, in 20-30 years the growth area of disturbed lands can lead to а loss of biospheric functions of cryolithozone and the inability of development within its boundaries the traditional nature management.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):32-38

Influence of remoteness of the birthplaces of ancestors on activity of nucleus organizing regons at the person
Polymorphism active nucleus organizing regions (NOR) chromosomes in population of aboriginals of Kursk area in the conditions of isolation in distance on a silvering method NOR (Howell W.M is estimated., 1978). The general level of a functional condition nucleus organizing regions chromosomes in Kursk area has appeared 19,46 ± 0,13 c.u. at small presence NOR with the sizes 0 and 4 c.u. in the conditions of isolation of races-standings. Between the distance dividing the birthplaces of ancestors, and transcriptional activity NOR dependence is found out in surveyed both floors.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):39-44

Eco-physiological mechanisms of adaptation to intermittent normobaric hypoxia at diseases of cardiovascular system
Presented eco-physiological mechanisms and evaluation of the effectiveness of the method of adaptation to intermittent normobaric hypoxia on these changes in oxygen metabolism in tissues of patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension. It is shown that hypoxic treatment improves the kinetics of oxygen metabolism of patients and severity of positive dynamics of indicators depends on etiology, age and disease duration.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):50-55

Structure of recreational space Altai-Sayansk mountain region
Discussed is the structure of tourist-recreational space. Models of the organization of tourist-recreational complexes is developed and examples of their distribution is presented. Functional zoning is made for example Altay Saian mountain region
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):64-69

Estimation of quality of soil degradated by water erosion using integral indicator
For estimation of quality of soil, degradated by water erosion, the integral indicator based on assessment of humus layer thickness, slope angle, soil organic matter content, microbial biomass and plants characteristics is suggested. The use of this indicator permits to reveal the differences in erosion level of soils which have the equal thickness of humus layer but are situated on different parts of slope.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):70-79

Efficiency of action of biological products and microfertilizers on the basic indicators of soil fertility
In article results of complex research of ecological and biological bases of reproduction of fertility soil are resulted. Action biological products and microfertilizers on modular structure, physical and chemical properties, a content of forms of nitrogen and organic substance in soils are studied.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):80-85

Economic methods of savings of power resources
The estimation of potential of increase of efficiency of use of energy to Russia and the actions directed on its realization is resulted. Experience of the developed countries in the field of stimulation introduction of power saving up technologies is resulted. Interests of subjects of process of power savings in region are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):86-96

Damaging effects on surrounding objects of biota by emissions of thermal power and motor vehicles
There is a comparative analysis of pollution of landscapes by contaminants adjacent to the strong thermal power stations and busy highway. The damaging effectiveness of emissions of these sources of industrial pollution on plant sites and the population density of some invertebrates was determined. On this basis and the accumulation of lead and cadmium by the studied biological objects the commensurate distances covered by the biologically significant effect of emissions of the strong thermal power station and vehicles are determined.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):97-103

Comparative method of risk analysis from industrial objects pollution waste for population health
For making the decision on the problem it was necessary to choose the most suitable mathematical models describing chemical transformations of polluting substances in an atmosphere, the diffusion, physical-chemical processes of dry and wet deposition and reaction with a spreading surface. It was also necessary to work out the computer programs of the analysis and forecast of environment pollution level in this region on the basis of methodology risk analysis adapted for a researched case.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):104-112

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):113-115

Pravila oformleniya statey,prednaznachennykh dlya opublikovaniya v nauchnom zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN. Seriya „Ekologiya i bezopasnost'zhiznedeyatel'nosti»
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(3):116-117