Ecological consequences in forest stands subject to anthropogenic impact during logging and transport operations

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The article presents the results of experimental studies reflecting the ecological reality of the consequences of the standard logging process, in which the destruction of the remaining forest stands takes place. The main environmental factors of anthropogenic impact on forest plantations, passed through selective felling using forestry equipment, are disclosed. The main regularities have been identified and formalized, allowing to quantify the damage caused to trees left on the cutting area. Statistical data of experimental observations of damage to forest stands are given, depending on the conditions of their growth. The obtained patterns are implemented in the Predic applic 1.0 software package, officially registered with Rospatent.

About the authors

Aleksandr V. Abuzov

Pacific National University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 2953-9692

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Forest Management and Landscape Construction Technology

136 Pacific St, Khabarovsk, 680035, Russian Federation

Nikolay V. Kazakov

Pacific National University

SPIN-code: 2123-1820

Doctor of Technical Sciences, scientific consultant of the Department of Forest Management and Landscape Construction Technology

136 Pacific St, Khabarovsk, 680035, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Abuzov A.V., Kazakov N.V.

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