Obtaining and using data of operational monitoring of atmospheric air
- Authors: Kulakova E.S.1, Safarov A.M.1, Nasyrova L.A.1, Mizgirev D.S.2
- Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
- Volga State University of Water Transport
- Issue: Vol 27, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 337-352
- Section: Environmetal defence
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/ecology/article/view/24016
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2310-2019-27-4-337-352
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In order to control the chemical composition of atmospheric air in cities located in the zone of influence of petrochemical enterprises, automatic atmospheric air monitoring stations (ASKAV) are installed. For the effective use of experimental data, the authors of the article developed a data collection system with ASKAV, in which the air control in residential quarters and the gas mixture at the source of organized emissions are synchronized. The analysis of data on the concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air of the Sterlitamak obtained from ASKAV, on the basis of which a list of marker substances for enterprises of the city was compiled. Priority sources of air pollution with marker substances during a different wind regime were identified. The authors developed models for changing the concentration of marker substances in the air using the method of factor regression. Based on the results of the cross-correlation function, the time of movement of the contaminated gas cloud from the source of emission to the residential area of the city is obtained. Conclusions are made about the effectiveness of the developed air monitoring system and the field of application of the acquired models.
About the authors
Ekaterina S. Kulakova
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: Kulakova87@list.ru
Assistant of the Department of Automated Information and Technological Systems
1 Kosmonavtov St, Ufa, 450062, Russian FederationAyrat M. Safarov
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Email: safa-rov_a_m@mail.ru
Dr.Sci. in Engineering Science, Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology
1 Kosmonavtov St, Ufa, 450062, Russian FederationLiliya A. Nasyrova
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Email: lilian_74@mail.ru
Ph.D in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology
1 Kosmonavtov St, Ufa, 450062, Russian FederationDmitry S. Mizgirev
Volga State University of Water Transport
Email: mizgirevds@yandex.ru
Ph.D in Engineering Science, Professor, Department of Hoistingand-Transport Machines and Machine Repair
5 Nesterova St, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, Russian FederationReferences
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