Cluster formation of ash and slag waters for production of building materials as a measure of environmental damage

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The most promising scheme of disposal of objects of accumulated environmental damage in the wastewater system is their joint incineration with solid waste to produce ash used as an additive in the production of building materials. The latter becomes a strategic resource in the implementation of the program of liquidation of objects of accumulated environmental damage. Various types of ash and slag obtained from the incineration of wastewater and municipal solid waste are analyzed. The data obtained give grounds to consider the use of ash from wastewater waste suitable for toxicological parameters, but also in view of positive foreign practice. This basis makes it possible to consider the formation of a cluster of joint incineration of waste to produce ash used as an additive in building materials. The results of the study indicate the potential effectiveness and timeliness in the implementation of the suppression of foci of accumulated environmental damage associated with landfills of solid waste through the formation of a cluster of joint incineration of waste for ash.

About the authors

Andrey M Dregulo

Saint Petersburg State University; Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University “Higher School of Economics”

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Biology, Institute of Earth Sciences, senior researcher, Laboratory of Geoecological Problems of Natural and Economic Systems and Urban Territories

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Viktor M Pitulko

Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, chief researcher, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Research

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Dregulo A.M., Pitulko V.M.

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