The existence problem of feedback control for one fractional Voigt model
- Authors: Zvyagin A.V.1, Kostenko E.I.1
- Voronezh State University
- Issue: Vol 69, No 4 (2023)
- Pages: 621-642
- Section: Articles
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In this paper, we study the feedback control problem for a mathematical model that describes the motion of a viscoelastic fluid with memory along velocity eld trajectories. We prove the existence of an optimal control that gives a minimum to a given bounded and semi-continuous from below quality functional. The proof uses the approximation-topological approach, the theory of regular Lagrangian flows, and the theory of topological degree for multivalued vector elds.
About the authors
A. V. Zvyagin
Voronezh State University
Author for correspondence.
Voronezh, Russia
E. I. Kostenko
Voronezh State University
Voronezh, Russia
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