Eta-invariant of elliptic parameter-dependent boundary-value problems

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In this paper, we study the eta-invariant of elliptic parameter-dependent boundary value problems and its main properties. Using Melrose’s approach, we de ne the eta-invariant as a regularization of the winding number of the family. In this case, the regularization of the trace requires obtaining the asymptotics of the trace of compositions of invertible parameter-dependent boundary value problems for large values of the parameter. Obtaining the asymptotics uses the apparatus of pseudodifferential boundary value problems and is based on the reduction of parameter-dependent boundary value problems to boundary value problems with no parameter.

About the authors

K. N. Zhuikov

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia

A. Yu. Savin

RUDN University

Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Zhuikov K.N., Savin A.Y.

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