Stability of Solutions of Initial Boundary Value Problems of Aerohydroelasticity
- Authors: Velmisov P.A.1, Ankilov A.V.1
- Ulyanovsk State Technical University
- Issue: Vol 59, No (2016)
- Pages: 35-52
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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At designing structures and devices interacting with the ow of gas or liquid, it is necessary to solve the problems associated with the investigation of the stability required for their functioning and operational reliability. The de nition of stability of an elastic body, taken in the article, corresponds to the Lyapunov’s concept of stability of dynamical system. On the base of a proposed nonlinear mathematical model the dynamic stability of the elastic aileron of the wing taking into account the incident subsonic ow of gas or liquid (in an ideal model of a incompressible environment) is investigated. Also a nonlinear mathematical model of the device relating to the vibration technique, which is intended for intensi cation of technological processes, for example, the process of mixing is considered. The action of these devices is based on the oscillations of elastic elements at the owing around a of gas or liquid ow. The dynamic stability of the elastic element, located on one wall of the ow channel with the subsonic ow of gas or liquid (in an ideal model of a compressible environment) is investigated. The both models is described by coupled nonlinear system of di erential equations for the unknown functions - the potential of the gas velocity and deformation of the elastic element. On the basis of the construction of functionals, the su cient conditions of the stability, impose restrictions on the free-stream velocity of the gas, the exural sti ness of the elastic element, and other parameters of the mechanical system is obtained. The examples of construction of the stability regions for particular parameters of the mechanical system are presented.
About the authors
P. A. Velmisov
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
32 Severny Venets str., 432027 Ulyanovsk, Russia
A. V. Ankilov
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
32 Severny Venets str., 432027 Ulyanovsk, Russia
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