Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution for One Class of Nonlinear Integral Equations of Hammerstein Type on the Whole Axis
- Authors: Khachatryan K.A.1,2, Petrosyan H.S.3,2
- Yerevan State University
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- National Agrarian University of Armenia
- Issue: Vol 68, No 2 (2022)
- Pages: 376-391
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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A class of nonlinear integral equations on the whole axis with a noncompact integral operator of Hammerstein type is investigated. This class of equations has applications in various fields of natural science. In particular, such equations are found in mathematical biology, in the kinetic theory of gases, in the theory of radiation transfer, etc. The existence of a nonnegative nontrivial and bounded solution is proved. The asymptotic behavior of the constructed solution on ±∞ is studied. In one important special case, the uniqueness of the constructed solution in a certain weighted space is established. At the end of the work, specific applied examples of the equations under study are given.
About the authors
Kh. A. Khachatryan
Yerevan State University; Lomonosov Moscow State University
Yerevan, Armenia; Moscow, Russia
H. S. Petrosyan
National Agrarian University of Armenia; Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Yerevan, Armenia; Moscow, Russia
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