Weierstrass Polynomials in Estimates of Oscillatory Integrals

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In this paper, estimates are obtained for the Fourier transform of smooth charges (measures) concentrated on some nonconvex hypersurfaces. The summability of the maximal Randall function is proved for a wide class of nonconvex hypersurfaces. In addition, in the three-dimensional case, estimates are obtained depending on the Varchenko height. The accuracy of the obtained estimates is proved. The proof of the estimate for oscillatory integrals is based on the Weierstrass preparatory theorem.

About the authors

I. A. Ikromov

Samarkand State University named after A. Navoi

Author for correspondence.
Email: ikromov1@rambler.ru
Samarkand, Uzekistan

A. S. Sadullaev

Samarkand State University named after A. Navoi

Email: sadullaev@mail.ru
Samarkand, Uzekistan


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