Statistical Ergodic Theorem in Symmetric Spaces for Infinite Measures

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Let (Ω,μ) be a measurable space with σ -finite continuous measure, μ(Ω)=∞. A linear operator T:L1(Ω)+L(Ω)→L1(Ω)+L(Ω) is called the Dunford-Schwartz operator if ||T(f)||1<||f||1 (respectively, ||T(f)||<||f||) for all f∈L1(Ω) (respectively, f∈L(Ω)).  {Tt}t>0 is a strongly continuous in L1(Ω) semigroup of Dunford-Schwartz operators, then each operator At(f)=1t0tTs(f)dsL1(Ω){{{A_t(f)} ={\frac{1}{t}} {\int_0^t} {T_s(f)} ds \in L_1(\Omega)}} has a unique extension to the Dunford-Schwartz operator, which is also denoted by At, t>0. It is proved that in the completely symmetric space of measurable functions on (Ω,μ) the means At converge strongly as t→+∞ for each strongly continuous in L1(Ω) semigroup {Tt}t>0 of Dunford-Schwartz operators if and only if the norm ||.||E(Ω) is order continuous.

About the authors

A. S. Veksler

Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Author for correspondence.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

V. I. Chilin

Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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