Journal “Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions ”(ISSN 2413-3639) was founded in 2003. Since 2005 the journal has been published by RUDN University.

All issues of the journal are translated into English by Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. (USA) and published in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.

Journal “Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions” is indexed in international databases of mathematical publications Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math. The English version of the journal in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences is indexed in SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, CSA Environmental Sciences, Expanded Academic, Highbeam, INIS Atomindex, INSPIRE, MathEDUC, Mathematical Reviews, OCLC, SCImago , STMA-Z, Summon by ProQuest.

The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.

The frequency of the journal is 4 issues per year. All issues of the journal are publicly available on the All-Russian Mathematical Portal Mathnet, supported by the Steklov Mathematical Institute of Steklov Russian Academy of Sciences, at

Monographs and thematic issues are accepted for publication on the following topics of modern mathematics: ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, real and functional analysis, complex analysis, mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics, algebra, number theory, geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, Lie groups and representation theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, discrete mathematics.

During the existence of the journal, such outstanding mathematicians as V. Balzer (Germany), D. Lutz (USA), L. Veron (France), J. Wu (Canada), S.Yu. Dobrokhotov (Russia), H. Kimura (Japan), J. King (USA), L. D. Kudryavtsev (Russia), I.A. Taimanov (Russia), P. Mironescu (Italy), E. Lanconeli (Italy), A. Tesei (Italy), K. Bardos (France), V.A. Solonnikov (Russia), J. Mazar (USA), A.V. Fursikov (Russia), P. Young (USA) and others, published their works.

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