- Authors: Veselova I.Y.1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 148-155
- Section: History of historical science
- URL:
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The article is dedicated to the mental conflict which became one of the characteristic features of The Mexican Enlightenment. The distribution in the Creole environment of new philosophical ideas, that came from Europe, in the initial phase led to a collision between two different types of thinking. This process was most pronounced in the works of the Mexican Jesuit thinkers whose member was Francisco Javier Clavijero. He grew up in a religious Creol family and chose the path of service to God. From early years Clavijero developed a thirst for knowledge. His first circle of interest was formed by philosophy, history and foreign languages. His meeting with new philosophical ideas led to collision between the rational and the religious in the Mexican thinker’s outlook. He tried to reconcile these two approaches. In his philosophical and historical works Clavijero carried on partially to stand by traditional religious views but also he used rational arguments. The outcome was a bizarre combination of old and new philosophical ideas which symbolized a decline of traditional scholastic in Spanish colonies. Clavijero and his Jesuit colleagues set up a new era o the Enlightenment in the New Spain.
About the authors
Irina Yur'evna Veselova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Author for correspondence.
аспирант кафедры всеобщей истории Российского университета дружбы народов
Miklukho-Maklay St., 10-2, Moscow, Russia, 117198References
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- Navarro B. Filosofia y cultura novohispanas. Mexico: UNAM, 1998. 250 p.
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- Castro Morales E. Documentos relativos al. historiador F. J. Clavijero y su familia. Estudio y seleccion. Puebla: Ayuntamiento de Puebla de Z., 1970. 73 p.
- Romero Flores J. Documentos para la biografia del historiador Clavigero // Anales del Instituto nacional de Antropologia e Historia, I. Mexico, 1939-1940. P. 307-335.
- Maneiro J.L., Fabri M. Vidas de mexicanos ilustres del siglo XVIII. Mexico: UNAM, 1956. 292 p.
- Веселова И.Ю. Истоки формирования научного мировоззрения Франсиско Хавьера Клавихеро // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Всеобщая история. № 2. 2015. М.: РУДН, 2015. С. 61-66 / Veselova I.Y. Istoki formirovaniya nauchnogo mirovozzreniya Fransisko Hav’era Klavihero [The origins of the Francisco Javier Clavijero’s scientific outlook]. Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Vseobshchaya istoriya. [Bulletin of Peoples’ Frendship University of Russia. Series World History], 2015, No. 2. P. 61-66.
- Arch. Gral. De Notarias, Puebla: Notaria 6: 1752: “Autos de inventarios y aprecios de los bienes que quedaron por muerte del general don Blas Clavijero..”: 38 vta. 40 vta. // Castro Morales E. Documentos relativos al. historiador F. J. Clavijero y su familia. Estudio y seleccion. Puebla: Ayuntamiento de Puebla de Z., 1970. P. 69-73.
- Arch. Gral. De Notarias, Puebla: Notaria 6: 1752: “Autos de inventarios y aprecios de los bienes que quedaron por muerte del general don Blas Clavijero.”: 74-89 // Castro Morales E. Documentos relativos al. historiador F.J. Clavijero y su familia. Estudio y seleccion. Puebla: Ayuntamiento de Puebla de Z., 1970. P. 23-34.
- Arch. Gral. De Notarias, Puebla: Notaria 6: 1752: “Autos de inventarios y aprecios de los bienes que quedaron por muerte del general don Blas Clavijero.”: 26, 35, vta. 37 // Castro Morales E. Documentos relativos al. historiador F.J. Clavijero y su familia. Estudio y seleccion. Puebla: Ayuntamiento de Puebla de Z., 1970. P. 64-68.
- Carta de provincial Andres Garcia. Mexico, Abril 23 de 1748 // Romero Flores J. Documentos para la biografia del historiador Clavigero / Anales del Instituto nacional de Antropologia e Historia, I. Mexico, 1939-1940. P. 318.
- Carta de provincial Pedro Reales. Abril 23 de 1761 // Romero Flores J. Documentos para la biografia del historiador Clavigero / Anales del Instituto nacional de Antropologia e Historia, I. Mexico, 1939-1940. P. 319.
- Clavijero F.J. De la Fisica Particular // Filosofos mexicanos de siglo XVIII / introd. Beu-chot M. Mexico: UNAM, 1995. P. 137-178.
- Filosofos mexicanos de siglo XVIII / introd. Beuchot M. Mexico: UNAM, 1995. 205 p.
- Clavijero F.J. Historia antigua de Mexico. Mexico: Porrna, 1974. 621 p.