The treatise by Constantine Porphyrogenitus ‘De Administrando Imperio’ on the Chersonesos participation in the 3rd-4th centuries’ wars: military tactical aspect
- Authors: Khapaev V.V.1
- Sevastopol State University
- Issue: Vol 16, No 3 (2024): Legal and social life of ancient societies
- Pages: 352-368
- URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the military-tactical aspect of four wars late 3rd - first half of the 4th century. During this wars the Chersonesos polis participated on the side of Rome. Information about them is presented in chapter 53 of the of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus tractate «De Administrando Imperio». This passage is an organic part of the treatise and was placed in it deliberately, as an example of Chersonesites valor, cunning and loyalty to Rome, which was useful for the addressee of the narrative - the young Emperor Romanus II. It has been established, that the use of a mobile detachment of carts armed with light throwing artillery for ambush operations during the « Battle at Bosporus » in 291 was an innovation in military affairs, which attracted the attention of Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Other aspects of this battle correlate with the instructions of the treatise «De re militari» by Vegetius Flavius. The victorious participation of the Chersonesos troops in the next two battles - on the Danube and «At Kafa» - gave Chersonesos confidence in their abilities and made it possible for the first time in history to expand the possessions of their state to the borders of the Kerch Peninsula. The duel between the Archon of Chersonesos, Pharnaces, and the Bosporan king, which decided the outcome of the confrontation in the fourth war, is not fiction and has numerous analogies in both previous Greco-Roman and subsequent Byzantine history.
About the authors
Vadim V. Khapaev
Sevastopol State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-0535-9617
SPIN-code: 8142-9627
PhD in History, Associate Professor at the Department of General History and World Culture
Sevastopol, RussiaReferences
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