G. Roerich’s contribution to history of Russian expeditions in Central Asia
- Authors: Shustova A.M.1
- Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 13, No 2 (2021)
- Pages: 157-166
- Section: East and West: contacts and contradictions
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/world-history/article/view/26388
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8127-2021-13-2-157-166
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The study of G. Roerich’s scientific heritage is at its beginning. An important basis of Roerich’s many-sided scientific activities were his investigations during the expeditions in Asia. The longest, most dangerous and laborious among them was the Central Asiatic expedition of his father - N.K. Roerich. The goal of this article is to examine G.N. Roerich’s activities on every stage of the Central Asiatic expedition, as well as G.N. Roerich’s works, publishing the results of the expedition research. G.N. Roerich presented the basic results in his monograph “Trails to Inmost Asia: Five years of exploration with the Roerich Central Asian Expedition” published in English in USA in 1931. Roerich’s description of North and Central Tibet is unique because the theocratic state in Tibet and nomad tribes, which Roerich had observed, are no more existing. Roerich’s field investigations continued the historical tradition of Russian expeditions in Central Asia. It extended our scientific knowledge about the insufficiently known regions in Asia.
About the authors
Alla Mihaylovna Shustova
Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
Email: parinama@yandex.ru
PhD (Philosophy), Senior Research Fellow
12 Rozhdestvenka St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 107031References
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