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The information approach allows us to distinguish two principal stages in the history of mankind, the stage of oral culture, covering the entire non-written period of history, and the stage of written culture. The latter, in turn, can be divided into three periods: 1. the period of manuscript culture (from the emergence of writing to the invention of printing press); 2) the period of print culture (from the invention of printing press until the advent of the computer); 3) the period of electronic / digital / information culture, which began in the second half of the 20th century and was marked by the revolutionary changes in computer and electronic technologies and the invention of the Internet. The period of the manuscript culture is characterized by the handwritten history records or annales (annalistic tradition); handwritten texts is a subject of the source study of history. The print culture is associated with the formation of the historical science in proper sense; the works of historians are the subject of historiography. Finally, electronic / digital / information culture is correlated with an emerging academic discipline known as the “digital history”.

About the authors

Alikber Kalabekovich Alikberov

Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: alikberov@mail.ru

PhD in Historical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

12 Rozhdestvenka St., Moscow, 107031, Russia


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