- Authors: Komarov AN1
- Russian State University of Humanities
- Issue: Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 27-42
- Section: Ideas and politics in history
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents the scholar analysis of the party systems of Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The author emphasizes that the party systems of the above-mentioned states are based on national level on a two-party system of Anglo-Saxon type. The author believes that the Canadian, British, Australian and New Zealand Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats consider the progressive development of society in the framework of the established two-party system that forms the institutional, electoral and political base for their ideologies, primarily conservatism, liberalism and social-democracy. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the number of aforementioned points in two-party systems of Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, there are significant differences that are explained by historical and economic peculiarities of development of Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. A crucial difference is the lack of an institutionalized Conservative party in the party systems of Australia and New Zealand.
About the authors
A N Komarov
Russian State University of Humanities
Author for correspondence.
Miusskaya Square, 6, Moscow, Russia, GSP-3, 125993
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