Modeling of a piled foundation in a Femap with NX Nastran

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Relevance. The underground part of the building (foundation and soil) has a significant impact on its stress-strain state and behavior under the influence of operational loads. Therefore, the existing regulatory and technical documentation regulates the design of buildings (structures), taking into account the joint work of their aboveground and underground parts. In practice, such accounting becomes possible on the basis of a comprehensive engineering analysis of the building as a large mechanical system “building - foundation - soil”, which today can be carried out using the finite element method. In the case of pile foundations, the correctness of the result depends largely on the reasonable choice of the design model of the pile-soil subsystem. The article analyzes three design models of piles operating in an array of soil foundation. The first model is discrete. In it, the pile is modeled by bars and is based on elastic supports (Spring) with generalized stiffnesses. Second model - spatial, in which the pile and soil are typed in by volumetric elements (Solid). Third model - spatial-bar or combined, in which the bar pile is embedded in the mesh of the soil mass using a rigid substructure formed by bars of high rigidity. The aim of the work - to determine a rational calculation model of the “pile - soil” subsystem, which allows, on the one hand, to reduce the general order of the system of resolving equations, and, on the other hand, to maintain the accuracy of the assessment of the stress-strain state of the calculation model of “pile - soil” and the building as a whole. Materials and methods. The numerical results of the analysis of the pile foundation statics using the three “pile - soil” calculation models were performed in the CAE software package - the Femap with NX Nastran class, which implements the finite element method. Results. Comparative-numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of the “pile foundation - soil” subsystem made it possible to determine the advantages, disadvantages, and also the areas of rational use of bar, spatial combined calculation models. In the next articles, it is planned to consider the calculation of piles for vertical loads, as well as a comparative analysis of numerical results with experimental data (in the labo-ratory or in field conditions) for horizontal and vertical effects.

About the authors

Elvira R. Kuzhakhmetova

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 1949-1140

postgraduate student, senior lecturer of the Department of Engineering Science and Technical Systems

14 Aleksandra Nevskogo St. Kaliningrad. 236041. Russian Federation


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