
Полный текст


The purpose of the present study is to determine the dynamic pressures of the wind and to establish a wind-region map for Benin.
In order to do that, we have, after the collection of meteorological information (data of speed), carried out:
- the analysis of average and instantaneous data (speed) of wind of the six main meteorological stations in accordance with the statistical methods recommended by the National Code of Building in Canada (NCB) and the Snow and Wind 65 Rules. These data cover a period of 23 years;
- the analysis of the speed variations speed by means of numerical techniques;
- the analysis, according to AFNOR norms, of the influence of the relief and vegetation on the sharing out of the coefficients of site and dynamic pressures.
At the end of this study, we established:
- Dynamic pressures and basic speeds to be taken into account during the assessment of wind overloads;
- That the basic speeds in the stations of Cotonou, Savè, Bohicon and Parakou are likely to be obsolete with time;
- The geographical distribution of the site coefficients and dynamic pressures in Benin;
Appropriate region maps.

Список литературы

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  7. CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE DU CANADA (CNRC n°23174F), 1985.- Code National du Bâtiment du Canada. Ottaw. du Code National du Bâtiment du Canada Ottawa .
  8. CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE DU CANADA (CNRC n°17724F), 1980.- Supplément.
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  10. <>: Cartes région-vent de la France.
  11. <>: Analyse fréquentiell.
  12. COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION (CEN/TC 250), janvier 2005. Eurocodes Structuraux.

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